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Committee & Speakers

Raphael Rodriguez


Raphaël Rodriguez

Institute Curie Research Centre, Paris, France

Raphaël is a Research Director at the CNRS and a Senior Principal Investigator at Institut Curie, where he holds the Marie Curie Chair of Chemical Biology.

He trained under the mentorships of Sir J. E. Baldwin (Oxford) and Sir S. Balasubramanian (Cambridge) from whom he acquired deep knowledge of chemistry. A key scientific contribution of his has been to elucidate the prevalent role of d-block metals in the regulation of cell plasticity. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and has received various awards, including the Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award, the Prix Lacassagne (Collège de France), and the Grand Prix Charles Defforey (Institut de France). He also is the scientific founder of SideROS, Adrestia Therapeutics. em uma nova guia/janela