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Tongwen Xu


Tongwen Xu

Chemistry Engineering at University of Science and Technology of China, China

Dr. Tongwen Xu is a full-time Professor of Chemistry Engineering at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). The research interests of Dr. Xu are focused on the development and practical applications of ion exchange membranes. In his lab, he explores novel types of materials for cation/anion exchange membranes and bipolar membranes. He also investigates green and safe functionalization methods that can convert normal polymers into ion exchange membranes. Dr. Xu is dedicated to the industrial applications of ion exchange membranes, including diffusion dialysis (DD), electrodialysis (ED), bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED). In doing so, he expects to solve the most urgent challenge related to energy conversion and storage, environment and resources. Prof. Xu has authored >500 publications (including Nature, JACS, Angnew Chem, Adv Mater, AIChE J), 6 Books, 30+ Chapters, and holds >90 issued China Patents. Prof. Xu is the Editor of Journal of Membrane Science, and editorial boards of Adv Mat Tech, Adv Membr., Heliyon, and etc. Prof. Xu’s contribution to ion exchange membranes and related processes has brought him numerous awards including outstanding Youth Foundation of China (2010), Cheung Kong Scholars (2014), National Award for Technological Invention (2018), the excellent researcher by the USTC President. In 2024, he was awarded National Labor Medal.