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Conference speaker

Ulrich Technau


Ulrich Technau

University of Vienna, Austria

Talk Title: Development and Self-organisation of the axis organizer in cnidarians

Uli Technau studied biology at the Universities of Würzburg, Mainz, Toulouse and LMU Munich. He obtained his PhD at the University of Frankfurt with a work on pattern formation in Hydra. As a postdoc he worked at the University of California at Irvine, before taking a position as a Research Associate at Darmstadt University of Technology (Germany) in 1998. 

In 2004 he was recruited as a group leader at the Michael Sars Centre in Bergen, Norway. In 2007 he became Full professor for Developmental Biology at the University of Vienna, Austria. 2016-2018 he served as President of the German Society of Developmental Biology (GfE). He has received several fellowships and honors, and is elected member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, as well as of the Leopoldina, the German Academy of Sciences.