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keynote speaker

Zongli Xie


Zongli Xie

CSIRO Manufacturing, Australia

Dr Zongli Xie is a Principal Research Scientist and a Research Group Leader of Materials for Energy, Environment and Health at CSIRO Manufacturing, Australia. Dr Xie has extensive research experience in collaboration with industries on advanced membrane materials/technologies and catalysis for energy and environment including desalination and wastewater treatment. Dr Xie has author/co-authored over 150 journal publications (>8300 citations and h-index of 50), 5 patents, 4 invited book chapters, and over 30 confidential commercial technical reports. She is the current Vice President of Membrane Society of Australasia (MSA), a Fellow of International Association for Carbon Capture (IACC), a committee member of the IWA Specialist Group on Membrane Technology. She also serves as an Adjunct Professor in Victoria University (Australia), associated editor of Separation Science and Technology, and editorial board member of Scientific Reports, Desalination, Advanced Membranes, Membranes and Results in Engineering.