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Clinician of the Future: Attitudes toward AI

In the latest of our annual reports looking at the future of healthcare, clinicians have growing optimism about the capability of AI to increase their productivity, freeing up their time for high value work. However, this is accompanied by caution about AI’s impact on critical thinking and clinical decision making.

Download the report abre em uma nova guia/janela

AI Clinician Persona header image

About the Attitudes toward AI report

Extracted from the comprehensive Insights 2024: Attitudes toward AI report, this sub-report explores the perspectives of over 500 academic leaders on the transformative potential and challenges of AI in research and education. 

Key highlights from the report: 

  • 26% of clinicians have used AI for work purposes

  • 96% of clinicians believe AI will help accelerate knowledge discovery

  • 88% of clinicians believe AI will help increase work quality overall

See the full clinician report abre em uma nova guia/janela

Attitudes toward Ai Clinician Report Cover

Transformative potential: Perspectives from clinicians

Awareness of certain AI tools is high, and clinicians have started using them, with expectations that usage will grow. 71% of those surveyed believe that this technology will have a transformative or significant impact on thier area of work, but also raise concerns. You can find a summary of these findings in our infographic.

Download the infographic abre em uma nova guia/janela

Clinician of the Future: Attitudes Toward Ai - Clinicians recognize AI's Potential

Enriching human knowledge with responsible AI

At Elsevier, we work with the academic, research and health communities to combine trusted, verified content and human expertise with the power of AI to advance human progress. 

We are committed to maintaining the quality and integrity of scientific and medical information amidst the rapid growth of data and misinformation. Our AI tools are grounded in peer-reviewed articles, medical books, and evidence-based clinical overviews, ensuring accurate and reliable information.  

Read more about our AI principles

Group of people wearing white coat discussing something on screen

Attitudes toward AI focused analyses

Learn how researchers, clinicians, academic leaders and librarians around the world view AI in in the full report, Insights 2024: Attitudes toward AI.

Biochemists sitting around a conference table