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Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing

Strengthen students' knowledge and confidence with high-quality practice questions.

Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ) integrates seamlessly into your course to help students of all skill levels focus their study time and effectively prepare for summative exams and, ultimately, their licensure exam.

Young student studying in library

Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing enhances student learning with:

Pre-class quizzes to boost student engagement

Unlock the power of pre-class quizzes to prepare your students for a dynamic and engaging learning experience. By taking quizzes before class, students can arrive with a solid grasp of the upcoming topic, enabling them to actively participate in exciting classroom activities and discussions.

High-quality questions

Crafted and curated by subject matter experts, our questions come complete with thorough explanations, diverse learning tools, and invaluable test-taking guidance. These resources are designed to reinforce and contextualize students' understanding for maximum success. EAQ also includes all NGN item types and NGN scoring to further enhance the assessment experience.

Insightful performance metrics

Unleash the potential of our robust reporting tools to gain essential insights into individual student advancement and class-wide achievements. Elevate your teaching with data-driven decision-making.

Adaptive quizzing

Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing supports both assignable and self-study customized quizzing options. This delivers a personalized and adaptive learning experience featuring quiz questions based on individual performance to promote content mastery.

Adaptive Quizzing Image

Why choose Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing?

Gradable Assignments

Create relevant and customized quiz assignments on a wide variety of topics.

Student Self-Quizzing

Students can quiz themselves outside of assignments to deepen their understanding of key concepts.
EAQ Feature Reporting


Detailed reports allow you to monitor student activity and progress.
NGN Items and Scoring picto

NGN Items and Scoring

Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing includes NGN item types and scoring at fidelity to provide authentic NCLEX preparation and experience.
EAQ Feature Rationales


Detailed rationales for each question, essential test-taking tips and strategies help students learn to master different question types and improve test-taking skills.