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Compendex on Engineering Village

What is Compendex?

Compendex is Elsevier’s flagship engineering-focused database that provides comprehensive and trustworthy content to improve research outcomes and maximize the impact of your engineering research.

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Cultivate curiosity

Who is Compendex for?

The interdisciplinary scholarly and technical literature in Compendex is vast and global in scope, featuring everything from the latest cutting-edge findings to historical research and innovations. This makes it an invaluable source of information for a variety of engineering projects.

People picto

What does Compendex cover?

Comprising journals, conference proceedings, dissertations, standards, books, and recently preprints, Compendex content is sourced from thousands of publishers from around the world, including major engineering societies such as IEEE, ASME, SAE and ACM.

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Key stats

As of August 2022 Compendex on Engineering Village is the research tool of choice for institutions across the globe, including 85% of the Top 20* ranked Engineering schools in the US and 75% of the Top 20* ranked Engineering schools worldwide.


Compendex draws on…

  • 190 engineering disciplines

  • 89 countries

  • 2,650 publishers

  • 12 standard development organizations

To feature, actively covering…

  • 4,000+ scholarly journals

  • 200+ trade magazines

  • 10.3M+ papers from 150,000+ conference proceedings

  • 300,000+ dissertations

  • 39,000+ books, 290,000+ book chapters, 159 book series

  • 220,000+ standards records

  • 1.2M+ preprint records (all open access)

We can help you assess what’s right for your organization

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