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HESI® Review Solutions for Nursing

When it comes to preparing for the NCLEX examination, Elsevier and HESI offer the most reliable and comprehensive review products available. Our full product suite is designed to be used throughout your program and just prior to exam day to ensure students are prepared for NCLEX success!

HESI Review Solutions

HESI Review Solutions

  • Comprehensive reviews including content review, application exercises and patient scenarios, and NCLEX practice and test take strategies to boost student confidence and readiness. 

  • Personalized review courses intended to cater to, and address student’s unique needs leading up to NCLEX.  

  • Lead by expert nurse educators to guide and encourage students.

HESI Review Solutions Teaser Image

HESI Live Review

Featuring personalized, virtual or onsite instruction by our expertly trained nurse educators, HESI Live Review courses can be customized using your program’s aggregate results to focus on the topic areas where your students need the most help. It’s just one more way HESI helps prepare your students to confidently pass the NCLEX!

HESI Live Review Teaser Image

HESI Compass

Backed by extensive research and learning sciences, this online NCLEX review course is supported by live nurse educators and personalized at the student level. Comprehensive content review, application activities, and assessments provide complete test preparation, while secure exams help identify areas of weakness and gauge student readiness to pass the NCLEX.

HESI Compass - Review Teaser Image