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Manage reviews and promotions with ease and equity

These vital academic processes are complex and time-consuming, requiring the input of many stakeholders. A platform specifically built for faculty evaluation helps ensure fairness and consistency with documentation at each step.

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Manage reviews and promotions with ease and equity

Enable academics to curate their best story

Being able to demonstrate teaching outcomes or research accomplishments is key to career advancement. Do your academic staff have the tools they need to present their work holistically across teaching, service and research for their upcoming career milestones?  

With clear guidelines and an easy-to-use interface accessible from anywhere, Interfolio allows academics to focus their efforts on what matters—their accomplishments. Plus, you save academics further administrative burden by bringing in data from Interfolio’s Faculty Activity Reporting module or your CRIS. 

female works from home with laptop

Empower your committees and maintain confidentiality

Managing academic staff review through Interfolio’s Review, Promotion & Tenure module gives you a concrete way to ensure that only the right materials are available to the appropriate people at the right time. User permission controls and the incorporated document viewer make it easy to access the necessary files. 

Equip your committees to collaborate efficiently—instead of spending a significant amount of time finding and accessing materials.  

Meeting in the office
Case Study: New York University cover

Case study: Learn how New York University (NYU) addressed inefficiencies and a lack of uniformity in their existing manual, paper-based systems for academic promotions across their global campuses.

Read the NYU case study  abre em uma nova guia/janela

Consistency and equity across your institution

Providing fair and efficient evaluations helps ensure a positive experience for all involved. Digitising these workflows with Interfolio creates a consistent process for all candidates up for review. In this way, you deliver transparency and equity for academics, staff and leadership alike. 

In addition, the integration with the Interfolio Lifecycle Management module allows administrators to identify faculty members with upcoming review, promotion or tenure events and initiate these cases on time. 

Consistency and equity across your institution

Transparency for Academic Leadership

With Interfolio, academic leaders gain visibility into the status of each review and promotion case. This approach brings added efficiency to these committee-driven processes. 

By maintaining a central campus-wide system, institutions have a consistent source of reliable information, which is valuable for HR, legal and other stakeholders.   

Transparency for Academic Leadership
Interfolio San Diego case study cover

Case study: Learn how UC San Diego streamlined academic review processes for both faculty and administrators.

Download the UC San Diego case study  abre em uma nova guia/janela

Líderes universitários: obtenha perspectivas, equidade e eficiência em seu corpo docente e no trabalho acadêmico e fomente o progresso de sua instituição. (1)

Man looking at digital tablet with colleague