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Reaxys is the largest chemical platform for industry and academia

Chemists across many chemistry organizations and programs use Reaxys to: - Develop preclinical candidates - Advance chemicals projects - Support chemistry research, teaching and learning

Life sciences chemistry domain and data science expertise

Reaxys for Pharmaceutical R&D

Pharmaceutical companies need to develop preclinical candidates early, efficiently and safely. When this process is successful, they make better informed go/no-go decisions. And significantly reduce time to market and R&D costs. Chemists at pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies and CROs choose Reaxys to enhance workflows during:

  • Hit identification

  • Lead generation/Hit-to-lead (H2L)

  • Lead optimization

  • Preclinical candidate selection

Medicinal, synthetic and computational chemists, pharmacologists and information professionals use Reaxys to:

  • Find normalised ADMET and SAR, physicochemical properties and reaction data

  • Filter on specific terms and substructure to rapidly assess large hit sets of bioactivity data

  • Identify the most efficient and economical routes to synthesize compounds

  • Integrate in-house content from ELNs and inventory systems to create a single chemistry portal

  • Stay up to date with the competitive landscape and assess the novelty of compounds

"The Reaxys synthesis plans have links to commercial availability databases, including eMolecules. That’s important for us — we always need reliable availability information."

Pranab Patra image


Pranab Patra

Director of Chemistry em Jubilant Chemsys

Reaxys for Chemical R&D

Chemical companies choose Reaxys to get from concept to market successfully with minimum financial risk. Reaxys helps chemists at critical stages in their chemical projects:

  • Projects evaluation

  • Experimental procedure design

  • Scale-up

  • Process improvement

Reaxys connect chemists in chemical R&D directly with relevant information to:

  • Optimize synthesis routes

  • Manage yield expectations and by-products

  • Identify desirable chemical properties in intermediate and end products

  • Find up-to-date commercial availability of substances with detailed purchasing information

  • Get a cross-disciplinary view of chemical substance properties and reactions

Reaxys data can also be integrated into existing informatics workflows to facilitate analytics, modeling and sharing.

See how Reaxys can help you overcome challenges and lead to breakthroughs in chemical R&D.

"I’m impressed with the linking from Reaxys to sources, especially to patent content because navigating the different patent systems can be very time-consuming."

Portrait photo of Dr. Carsten Schauerte


Carsten Schauerte

Managing Director em solid-chem GmbH

Reaxys for Education & Basic Research

Faculties at colleges and universities worldwide use Reaxys to advance their chemistry-related research and teaching curricula. Proficiency in Reaxys helps prepare students for future careers in chemistry, medicine and affiliated health fields, art restoration and conservancy, forensics and teaching, as well as advances institutional research in these fields.

Chemistry professors, postdocs, PhD candidates, graduate and undergraduate students and bench researchers all strive for scientific excellence. Depending on individual needs, with Reaxys they can:

  • Retrieve and evaluate chemistry information

  • Conduct world-class chemistry research

  • Improve learning outcomes

  • Prepare for a chemistry career

Extracted and indexed chemistry information

For both basic research and education, you want chemistry information that is comprehensive, accurate and easy to find. Reaxys is a powerful research and teaching tool with its:

  • Deep indexing of chemical literature highlighting chemistry concepts and facts

  • Interdisciplinary knowledge with index terms from biomedicine, engineering, geology and more

  • Expertly curated property and reaction data, and experimental procedures

  • Highly intuitive interface that simplifies the search for highly relevant information

  • Smarter search options with:

    • Structure, reaction, keyword or property value searching

    • Unique ability to combine structure and text search

    • Search refinement with Boolean and proximity operators

Conduct innovative research, develop practical applications, and mentor the next generation of chemists with Reaxys.

"Reaxys is so much more comprehensive than the alternatives — that’s why I wanted my students using it."


Forest Robertson

Assistant Professor em Western Connecticut State University

A teaching tool for named reactions

Download the free ReactionFlash app with over 1,000 named reactions and their mechanisms. Thousands of students and instructors are using this tool to prepare for lectures and examinations. Swipe through them like flash cards and link to publications.

Learn more about ReactionFlash

Named Reactions app on two mobile devices