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Small molecule discovery has never been easier

Get chemistry facts the way you need them to design innovative drug candidates. Reaxys combines expert-curated chemistry information, including one billion bioactivity and chemistry data points, with an AI-powered intuitive interface to support small molecule discovery.

De-risk go/no go decisions

  • Access 38 million chemical patents from 105 patent offices, and 104 million documents from multiple publishers

Design novel compounds

  • Assess novelty against 260 million substances

  • Identify procedures for your target with over 8 million assays

  • Consult a bioactivity visualization tool to validate and access SARs

Solve synthesis challenges

  • Get predicted retrosynthesis routes for novel compounds in minutes with related experimental procedures, literature references and commercially available starting materials

More content

  • 44 million in vitro and in vivo bioactivities

  • 500 million physicochemical data points

  • 73 million high-quality reactions

Complete the form to talk to an expert about Reaxys.

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