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Sherpath for Dental Assisting

Sherpath powers trusted Elsevier texts with all-in-one digital resources that streamline class preparation and assessment and give students personalized help to reach their learning goals.

Sherpath for Dental Assisting

Digital teaching and learning technology built for healthcare education

Sherpath fully includes the ebook of your Elsevier text for one-stop digital course delivery. Innovative features include a course plan, digital lessons, Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing, enhanced test banks, and a built-in performance dashboard with insightful reporting capabilities.

Sherpath for Health Professions

Groundbreaking conversational AI tool for students and educators

With Sherpath AI, students can engage in a back-and-forth exchange of questions and answers in the moment of learning, creating a more interactive and dynamic experience. Plus, Sherpath AI can help educators streamline tasks and boost engagement by providing information on teaching strategies, classroom activities, and more.

Sherpath AI