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Soluções de engajamento do paciente

Soluções de engajamento do paciente os envolvem, educam e capacitam

As soluções de engajamento do paciente da Elsevier ajudam a promover melhores resultados, facilitando a compreensão e o acompanhamento dos planos de tratamento pelos pacientes.

Elder woman checking phone patient history Header

As soluções de engajamento do paciente ajudam a:

Capacite seus pacientes a serem ativos em seus cuidados

  • Compartilhe educação personalizada com base na preferência do paciente — incluindo idioma, nível de leitura, formato e método de entrega

  • Aumente a satisfação com uma abordagem centrada no paciente que reconhece suas necessidades exclusivas

  • Proporcione aos clínicos uma educação de paciente baseada em evidências e integrada ao seu fluxo de trabalho

  • Ajude os clínicos a desenvolver uma relação de confiança com os pacientes, compartilhando as informações certas no momento certo

88% of US adults have inadequate health literacy.

Strengthen patients’ knowledge and skills

Advance your patients’ knowledge and ability to self-manage their care through standardized written and video education across the care continuum. By providing accessible health information that meets the unique needs of each patient, your organization can play a central role in advancing health care and health equity to improve:

  • Patient experience, compliance outcomes, and shared decision making

  • Regulatory compliance through education

  • Reliance on emergency care and preventable readmission rates

  • HCAHPS/CAHPS metrics and reimbursements

  • Long-term wellness and chronic care management

Improved education would reduce the number of readmitted patients

Henry Ford Health success story

“Our vision was to standardize across the health system so that we could stay connected and engaged with patients whether they were in our facilities or in their homes. In doing so, we sought to ensure that all materials not only had a clear action for the patient, but that they understood them too. To get there, we knew that improving the comprehension and retention of education information would be key.” – Henry Ford Health

Male nurse in mask works on laptop

Standardized, evidence-based information across the care continuum

Drive content consistency. Ensure patients, caregivers and clinicians use the same evidence-based information across the health system and continuum of care.

Personalize the patient experience. Foster wellness through education personalized for patients’ unique treatment needs, usability and language.

Optimize the clinician workflow. Integrating patient education into your EHR workflow is an efficient way for clinicians to meaningfully connect with patients. Through actionable patient insights, you can monitor usage to measure the effectiveness of your patient engagement technology programs.

A nurse discussing medical related topic to a patient

Video-based patient education:

  • Improves feelings of preparedness and helps reduce anxiety

  • Strengthens self-management and patient satisfaction

  • Reduces readmission and postoperative healthcare utilizations

Studies show better learner retention when information is presented in a video format compared to text with illustrations4. In fact, patients with low literacy levels saw a 50% increase in comprehension when using video-based education5. View an example of Elsevier’s Patient Education videos, Managing Your High Blood Pressure.

Patient Engagement Video: Managing Your High Blood Pressure

Soluções de engajamento do paciente

Perguntas frequentes

Está pronto(a) para conversar sobre como as soluções de engajamento do paciente podem ajudá-lo(a) a melhorar os resultados em saúde?

Two female nurses and one male nurse walking and talking in a hospital. One female nurse holds a file folder.
  1. Health literacy stat: “Health Literacy in the United States: Enhancing Assessments and Reducing Disparities,” Milken Institute, 2022. 

  2. Improved education stat:

  3. Title: Effectiveness of video-based health promotion: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Authors: Xizhu Xiao, Rachel Min Wong, Wenyuan Yang | Journal: Patient Education and Counseling Publication Date: February 2024, Volume 119 |DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2023.108095)