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Cardiovascular System

Vena alveolaris inferior

Inferior Alveolar Vein

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Vena anastomotica inferior

Inferior Anastomotic Vein (Left)

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Arteria anorectalis inferior

Inferior Anorectal Artery

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Venae anorectales inferiores

Inferior Anorectal Veins

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Vena basalis inferior pulmonis sinistri

Inferior Basal Vein of Left Lung

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Vena basalis inferior pulmonis dextri

Inferior Basal Vein of Right Lung

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Ramus inferior arteriae gluteae superioris

Inferior Branch of Superior Gluteal Artery

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Ramus bronchialis inferioris aortae

Inferior Bronchial Branch of Aorta

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Bulbus inferior venae jugularis internae

Inferior Bulb of Internal Jugular Vein

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Venae cerebri inferiores

Inferior Cerebral Veins

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Pars corticalis inferior arteriae cerebri mediae

Inferior Cortical Part of Middle Cerebral Artery

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Arteria epigastrica inferior

Inferior Epigastric Artery

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