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Nervous System

Nucleus subthalamicus

Subthalamic Nucleus (Right)

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Plexus subtrapezialis

Subtrapezial Plexus

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Ramus superficialis nervi plantaris lateralis

Superficial Branch of Lateral Plantar Nerve (Left)

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Ramus superficialis nervi perinealis

Superficial Branch of Perineal Nerve

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Ramus superficialis nervi radialis

Superficial Branch of Radial Nerve

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Ramus superficialis nervi ulnaris

Superficial Branch of Ulnar Nerve (Right)

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Rami superficiales plexus cervicalis

Superficial Branches of Cervical Plexus (Left)

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Plexus cardiacus superficialis

Superficial Cardiac Plexus

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Nervus fibularis superficialis

Superficial Fibular Nerve

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Rami temporales superficiales nervi auriculotemporalis

Superficial Temporal Branches of Auriculotemporal Nerve (Left)

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Plexus anorectalis superior

Superior Anorectal Plexus

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