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Complete Anatomy Articles

Facies pelvica corporis ossis ischii

Pelvic Surface of Body of Ischium

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Facies pelvica ossis coccygis

Pelvic Surface of Coccyx

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Facies pelvica ossis sacri

Pelvic Surface of Sacrum

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Facies pelvica rami superioris ossis pubis

Pelvic Surface of Superior Pubic Ramus

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Ramus perforans arteriae fibularis

Perforating Branch of Fibular Artery (Left)

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Rami perforantes arcus palmaris profundus

Perforating Branches of Deep Palmar Arch (Right)

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Rami perforantes arteriae thoracicae internae

Perforating Branches of Internal Thoracic Artery

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Rami perforantes arcus plantaris

Perforating Branches of Plantar Arch (Left)

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Rami perforantes arteriarum metatarsearum plantarium

Perforating Branches of Plantar Metatarsal Arteries (Right)

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Fasciculi collageni perforanantes

Perforating Collagen Fiber Bundles

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