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Complete Anatomy Articles

Ramus metatarsalis plantaris arteriae plantaris lateralis

Plantar Metatarsal Branch of Lateral Plantar Artery (Right)

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Ligamenta metatarsea plantaria

Plantar Metatarsal Ligaments

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Venae metatarseae plantares

Plantar Metatarsal Veins (Right)

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Ligamenta metatarsophalangea plantaria

Plantar Metatarsophalangeal Ligaments

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Processes plantaris ossis navicularis

Plantar Process of Navicular Bone

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Facies plantaris calcanei

Plantar Surface of Calcaneus

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Facies plantaris ossis cuboidei

Plantar Surface of Cuboid Bone

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Facies plantaris ossis cuneiformis intermedii

Plantar Surface of Intermediate Cuneiform Bone

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Facies plantaris ossis cuneiformis lateralis

Plantar Surface of Lateral Cuneiform Bone

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Facies plantaris ossis cuneiformis medialis

Plantar Surface of Medial Cuneiform Bone

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Facies plantaris ossis navicularis

Plantar Surface of Navicular Bone

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Ligamenta tarsometatarsea plantaria

Plantar Tarsometatarsal Ligaments

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