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Complete Anatomy Articles

Radix posterior nervi sacralis tertii

Posterior Root of Third Sacral Nerve (Left)

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Radix posterior nervi thoracici tertii

Posterior Root of Third Thoracic Nerve

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Radix posterior nervi thoracici duodecimi

Posterior Root of Twelfth Thoracic Nerve (Left)

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Radix posterior processus zygomatici ossis temporalis

Posterior Root of Zygomatic Process of Temporal Bone

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Radices posteriores nervorum cervicalium

Posterior Roots of Cervical Nerves (Left)

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Radices posteriores nervorum lumbalium

Posterior Roots of Lumbar Nerves (Left)

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Radices posteriores nervorum sacralium

Posterior Roots of Sacral Nerves (Left)

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Radices posteriores nervorum thoracicorum

Posterior Roots of Thoracic Nerves (Left)

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Ligamentum sacroiliacum posterius

Posterior Sacroiliac Ligament

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Vasa lymphatica scapulares posteriores

Posterior Scapular Lymph Vessels (Left)

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Nodi scapulares posteriores

Posterior Scapular Nodes (Right)

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Nervi scrotales posteriores

Posterior Scrotal Nerves (Right)

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