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Complete Anatomy Articles

Facies posterior tibiae

Posterior Surface of Tibia

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Facies posterior ulnae

Posterior Surface of Ulna

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Facies articularis talaris posterior

Posterior Talar Articular Surface

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Ligamentum talocalcaneum posterius

Posterior Talocalcaneal Ligament

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Ligamentum talofibulare posterius

Posterior Talofibular Ligament

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Arteria Temporalis Posterior

Posterior Temporal Artery (Right)

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Vena diploica temporalis posterior

Posterior Temporal Diploic Vein (Right)

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Arteria tibialis posterior

Posterior Tibial Artery

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Venae perforantes tibiales posteriores

Posterior Tibial Perforating Veins (Left)

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Arteria recurrens tibialis posterior

Posterior Tibial Recurrent Artery (Left)

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Venae tibiales posteriores

Posterior Tibial Veins

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Ligamentum tibiofibulare posterius

Posterior Tibiofibular Ligament

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