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Complete Anatomy Articles

Vasa lymphatica prevertebrales

Prevertebral Lymph Vessels (Left)

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Nodi prevertebrales

Prevertebral Nodes (Left)

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Nodulus lymphoideus primarius

Primary Lymphoid Nodule

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Oocytus primarius folliculi ovarici primariae terminans

Primary Oocyte (of Late Primary Ovarian Follicle)

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Oocytus primarius folliculi ovarici secundariae

Primary Oocyte (of Secondary Ovarian Follicle)

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Arteria princeps pollicis

Princeps Pollicis Artery

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Pronator quadratus

Pronator Quadratus

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Arteria hepatica propria

Proper Hepatic Artery

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