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Complete Anatomy Articles

Rami pterygoidei arteriae maxillaris

Pterygoid Branches of Maxillary Artery (Left)

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Fossa pterygoidea

Pterygoid Fossa (Left)

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Plexus venosus pterygoideus

Pterygoid Venous Plexus

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Raphe pterygomandibularis

Pterygomandibular Raphe

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Ganglion pterygopalatinum

Pterygopalatine Ganglion

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Ligamentum pterygospinale

Pterygospinous Ligament (Left)

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Processus pterygospinosus

Pterygospinous Process (Left)

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Ramus pubicus arteriae epigastricae inferioris

Pubic Branch of Inferior Epigastric Artery

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