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Complete Anatomy Articles

Vena pulmonalis dextra inferior

Right Inferior Pulmonary Vein

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Ramus inferolateralis dexter arteriae coronariae dextrae

Right Inferolateral Branch of Right Coronary Artery

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Truncus lymphaticus jugularis dexter

Right Jugular Lymphatic Trunk

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Ligamentum arcuatum laterale dextrum

Right Lateral Arcuate Ligament

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Truncus lymphaticus lumbalis dexter

Right Lumbar Lymphatic Trunk

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Nodi lumbales dextri

Right Lumbar Nodes

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Ductus lymphaticus dexter

Right Lymphatic Duct

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Bronchus principalis dexter

Right Main Bronchus

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Ramus marginalis dexter arteriae coronariae dextrae

Right Marginal Branch of Right Coronary Artery

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Vena marginalis dextra cordis

Right Marginal Vein of Heart

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Ligamentum arcuatum mediale dextrum

Right Medial Arcuate Ligament

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