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Skeletal System

Os primum metacarpi

First Metacarpal Bone

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Os primum metatarsi

First Metatarsal Bone

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Vertebra thoracica prima

First Thoracic Vertebra

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Costae fluctuantes

Floating Ribs (Left)

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Fossa glandulae lacrimalis

Fossa for Lacrimal Gland (Left)

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Vertebra cervicalis quarta

Fourth Cervical Vertebra

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Vertebra coccygea quarta

Fourth Coccygeal Vertebra

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Incisura costalis quarta

Fourth Costal Notch (Right)

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Vertebra lumbalis quarta

Fourth Lumbar Vertebra

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Facies articularis metacarpi quarti ossis capitati

Fourth Metacarpal Articular Facet of Capitate Bone

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Facies articularis metacarpi quarti ossis quinti metacarpi

Fourth Metacarpal Articular Facet of Fifth Metacarpal Bone

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