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ClinicalKey AI example questions

Explore the range of questions clinicians of all specialties have asked in ClinicalKey AI in the past.

What is the probability that a patient with a previous TIA experiences a Stroke?

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What is the prognosis of retinoblastoma in a two-year-old?

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What is the safest exercise for people with osteoporosis?

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What is the safest trimester for a pregnant patient to undergo non-obstetric surgery?

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What is the screening recommendation for ovarian cancer?

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What is the treatment for nephropathic cystinosis?

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What is total mesorectal excision surgery?

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What medical diagnoses are contraindicated for steglujan?

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What medication can be used for bacterial vaginosis if Metronidazole is not effective?

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What other agents that depress the central nervous system can exacerbate opioid-induced respiratory distress?

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What patient education should be given for tirzepatide?

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What testosterone level is too low in women?

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