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Molecular Mediators in Health and Disease: How Cells Communicate

Aim & scope

Communication between cells is a fundamental activity of all multicellular organisms. Molecules that mediate cellular communication may be as small as a proton or be as large as a peptide. The series aims to survey the role of each of the mediators across all systems and organisms. Each volume will examine a single mediator within all of the biological organisms that it is found, and provide information about its distribution, structure, function, pharmacology and role in health and disease. The first book in the series examined serotonin. The next volume will address the role of angiotensin.


Angiotensin: From the Kidney to Coronavirus


Basic scientists and clinicians seeking a broad understanding of the role of individual mediators will find these volumes of interest.

Series Editor

Image of Paul M Pilowsky


Paul M. Pilowsky

Emeritus Professor

University of Sydney

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Molecular Mediators in Health and Disease: How Cells Communicate
