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ESMO Events 2024

Meetings 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开 | ESMO 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开

Welcome to our ESMO Virtual Congress site where we showcase the very best from ESMO's flagship portfolio.

ESMO Asia Congress 2024 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开

The event brings together oncologists, researchers, healthcare professionals, and industry representatives from Asia and around the world.

ESMO Asia 2024 will feature scientific sessions covering a wide range of topics related to oncology, including advances in cancer research, new treatment modalities, and discussions on the management of specific types of cancer.

Its educational sessions will provide in-depth training and insights into specific aspects of oncology, ensuring that participants gain practical knowledge that they can apply in their daily practice.

Below a collection of papers recently published in ESMO’s premier journals carefully selected to reflect the themes of the meeting.

Annals of Oncology


Immuno-Oncology and Technology

ESMO Gastrointestinal Oncology

ESMO Real World Data and Digital Oncology

ESMO affiliated journals

ESMO's Journal Portfolio

While diverse in nature and in content, these journals offer ESMO members and the oncology community a highly visible platform to publish important scientific studies, and a highly credible source for educational updates. Elsevier is the proud publisher of Annals of Oncology, Immuno-Oncology and Technology (IOTECH), ESMO Open, ESMO Gastrointestinal Oncology, ESMO Real World Data and Digital Oncology, and ESMO Affiliated Journals The Breast, Lung Cancer, Cancer Treatment Reviews and Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia.

ESMO - European Society for Medical Oncology journals


Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network Highlights
