Insights 2024: Attitudes toward AI

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信息传播就像一场瘟疫:大量信息突然涌入并迅速传播。通过提供相关、准确、经过审核的信息,Elsevier 可以帮助缓解不安情绪,让医疗保健专业人员能够高效率、高成效地应对公众需求。
由于错误信息较为普遍,且存在大量准确和不准确的信息,因此会带来混乱、不确定性和不信任。 通过选择与 Elsevier 合作,您将能够轻松获得可靠的循证信息。
ClinicalKey 和 Shadow Health 这一类产品包括专业策划的循证内容,使用这些产品,您就能放心地依靠值得信赖的研究和高价值信息来推动您的医疗保健决策和教育。
Elsevier 致力于寻找并提供最可靠的信息资源,以改善社会应对疾病爆发的方式,以及提升针对各患者的护理水平。
听听我们的内容专家 Dr. Louise Chang(医学博士;美国内科医师学会院士;解决方案、内容、战略和合作伙伴全球副总裁)和 Kevonne Holloway(全球内容合作伙伴总经理)的讲座,他们探讨了 Elsevier 如何通过致力于提供循证知识和增强研究信心,从而确保更好的患者护理和结果。
In an era of healthcare misinformation, Elsevier Health leverages AI to assist clinicians in navigating the infodemic. By combining our world-class trusted content with advanced AI, we transform how clinicians access evidence-based medical information, empowering them to make confident, informed decisions.
Our high-quality content forms the backbone of our AI approach, providing trustworthy resources. With an AI-enhanced search tool, clinicians can quickly filter through the noise to find the evidence-backed information they need for high-quality patient care.
“Trust is key for clinicians, who need to rely on relevant, current, and transparent information. It is essential for artificial intelligence to be trusted by showing the origins of information and reasoning behind answers.”
Tim Morris
Elsevier 的 Vice President