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Supporting clinical excellence in emergency environments

Elsevier Clinical eLearning emergency nursing courses are professionally-designed, interactive, and self-paced. Courses are developed by masters-prepared nurses to enhance clinical competency and empower confident, consistent and expert patient care in emergency situations when immediate action is needed.

Elsevier’s rigorous editorial standards, including peer reviews, ensure that courses are based on current evidence and clinical practice.

Emergency nursing courses available

  • ENA: Emergency Nursing Orientation 3.0*^

    Authored by the Emergency Nurses Association, this exclusive Clinical eLearning course offers a comprehensive, evidence-based solution for emergency nursing orientation, supporting new and experienced nurses in providing competent care. This blended-learning program consists of 45 interactive online lessons and includes a case study based, problem-oriented approach to learning.

  • ENA: Emergency Nurse Residency Program This multiweek, blended learning program includes didactic, instructor-led modules, online self-paced courses, and coaching along with self-care support tools to help new nurses integrate into the ED setting.

  • ENA: Emergency Nursing Certification Review 1.1^

    Authored by ENA, this course was designed to help nurses prepare for the CEN® exam, administered by the ENA-affiliated Board of Certification of Emergency Nursing (BCEN®). In addition to helping emergency nurses advance their careers, certification is a boon for their employers, helping them to be recognized as providing safe, competent emergency care and meet the professional development requirements necessary to be awarded Magnet® status by the American Nurses Credentialing center.

  • ENA: Emergency Nursing Triage 1.1*^

    To expedite appropriate and competent care for the numbers of patients who come to an emergency department, nurses must be prepared to expertly perform triage for patients. The Emergency Nursing Triage course, authored by ENA and edited by emergency nursing expert, Jeff Solheim, presents triage concepts and helps the learner apply these concepts to practice in any triage system.

  • ENA: Handling Psychiatric Emergencies 1.1*^

    Authored by ENA, this unique course helps nurses ensure safety while providing optimal care to patients experiencing psychiatric emergencies. The course provides in-depth focus on handling a broad range of psychiatric emergencies and helps instill confidence in nurses who face these situations. The course’s 16 lessons include case studies, knowledge checks and custom live-action videos that explore common psychiatric scenarios and interventions.

  • ENA: Pediatric Emergency Nursing Certification Review 1.1^

    Authored by ENA, this interactive course helps emergency nurses provide safe, effective care to pediatric patients with conditions requiring emergency care. This course follows the blueprint for the CPEN exam and helps nurses prepare for the challenging test.

  • Mosby’s ECG Interpretation 3.0*

    Mosby’s ECG Interpretation 3.0 educates nurses and monitor technicians in ECG basics, ECG interpretation and 12-lead ECG interpretation. This course includes an interactive interface using electronic ECG calipers, ECG ruler and more rhythm-tracing images to help learners apply their knowledge.

Promote professional development and practice improvement with evidence-based learning

Two female nurses and one male nurse walking and talking in a hospital. One female nurse holds a file folder.

*Knowledge Inventory Tool (KIT) available for this course

ˆClinical eLearning course can be delivered seamlessly through the HealthStream Learning Center.
