您的临床医生可以获得2000多项循证技能和操作步骤,为他们提供最佳实践和最新的临床指南。借助Elsevier Clinical Skills,您可以帮助护士、治疗师和其他临床医生应对“护理一致性和能力评估“的需要

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Clinical Skills是一种综合解决方案,它将循证技能、操作步骤与能力管理相结合,有助于确保知识、技能与最佳实践和最新的临床指南相匹配
您的临床医生可以获得2000多项循证技能和操作步骤,为他们提供最佳实践和最新的临床指南。借助Elsevier Clinical Skills,您可以帮助护士、治疗师和其他临床医生应对“护理一致性和能力评估“的需要
Clinical Skills由执业护士、治疗师和其他临床医生撰写、同行评审与更新。Elsevier与主题专家和领先的护理组织(如 AACN、ARN、ASPEN、ONS 和 IAFN)合作创作并更新内容。 内容每年进行审核和更新;当监管或专业实践标准发生变化时,我们会更频繁地更新
Clinical Skills CE 遵循 ANCC 教育设计标准,确保最高标准和最新的临床实践指南。临床医生最多可以获取 1,875 个学时 (1),可以省时省钱地满足不同的需求
Angie Williams, BSN, RN-BC, CPN
Children’s Mercy Kansas City 的 临床实践与质量经理
Skills are updated annually or more frequently with critical practice change or new evidence.
Monthly reports provide a list of which skills have changed and the files showing detailed changes.
Yes, in addition to the core collection, you can add the following specialty skills:
Ambulatory Care
Mental and Behavioral Health Care
Home Health, Hospice and Palliative, and Rehabilitation Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Respiratory Care
Elsevier partners with subject matter experts and associations such as American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) and Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) to author & update content. Elsevier’s editorial team, consisting of experienced healthcare professionals, develops a single, trusted source of evidence-based clinical content and tools across the suite of Clinical Learning products for safer, standardized patient care.
Yes, Clinical Skills offers 2000+ skills with 1890 contact hours (0.5-2 NCPD/skill) in the competency workflow, awarding NCPD to nurses as they demonstrate proficiency with new skills.
1 Elsevier 被美国护士资格认证中心的认证委员会认证为继续护理教育提供者