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Elsevier understands the challenges of life sciences R&D. Our comprehensive, high-quality and machine-readable datasets provide clear data provenance and support evidence-based decisions. Through our vast history of supporting the life sciences, we can provide:
Curated datasets from full-text articles in disciplines across life sciences, including medicine, chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology, toxicology and more.
FAIR data in 11 therapy areas
Specialized data, such as bioactivity data, biological relationships, substances, reactions and more
来自 24 个主要学科领域、2,500 份期刊的数据
11 个治疗领域的 FAIR 数据——全文期刊数据,富含机器可读的元数据,包括细胞出版社 (Cell Press) 和《柳叶刀》(The Lancet) 等优质系列作品
文摘、作者和所属单位、评估指标三个数据集,涵盖 7,000 家出版商的 24 个科研学科。从同行评审的科学期刊、书籍、丛书、专利和会议记录中提取的数据包括:
18 亿份引用参考
1,760 万份作者个人资料
94,800 份机构资料
1,170 万份会议论文,来自 149,000 场活动
通过 API 或平面文件提供经过实验验证的化学结构、反应和生物活性数据
2.64 亿种物质及相关特性
6,200 万次反应及实验条件和文献参考
6,500 万份文件,来自 16,000 种期刊
3,800 万个专利,来自 105 个专利局
4,400 万个生物活性
32,000 个独特目标
54,000 个物种
按照 Emtree 生命科学词库编制索引,来自生物医学同行评审文献、报刊出版物和会议文摘的数据和数据源包括:
4,100 万条记录
8,300 种期刊,包括 2,900 种 MEDLINE 未收录的期刊
360 万份会议摘要,来自 11,500 场会议
The Dataset currently includes 18.6 million biological relationships from 36 million MEDLINE abstracts and 7.6 million full-text articles. These include protein-protein interactions, and effects of proteins, compounds and cells on diseases and cell processes. The information comes from full-text literature on Elsevier’s ScienceDirect, and from other high-impact publishers, and public and proprietary databases. The Dataset also includes:
1.3 million small molecule protein interactions from Reaxys
150,000 data points from
600,000 relationships from public databases of protein-protein interactions, small molecule protein interactions, MiRNA effects, SNP annotations and more
各种 API 提供提取自 FDA 和 EMA 监管文件的结构化数据,包括:
5,000 种获批药物
200 万条 PK 数据记录,提取自 95 个 PK 参数
600,000 条酶和转运体数据记录:药物作为诱导剂、抑制剂或底物
180 万条安全和不良事件数据
380 万条提取自监管软件包的临床试验疗效数据
300 万页经 FDA 批准的文件,包括标签、审批包、DESI 文件、咨询委员会文件
384,000 页经 EMA 批准的文件包
2,000 万份 FDA 上市后报告 (FAERS)