ClinicalKey AI: Celebrating 1st year of innovation

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在 Elsevier,我們為醫師提供直觀的解決方案,幫助醫師找到並應用最新的相關知識,以做出明智決策並推動改善患者治療效果。
Align their practice with the latest evidence-based medical knowledge
Access actionable guidance at their fingertips for diagnosis, treatments, and drug dosing
Optimize decision making for complex medical scenarios and rare diseases
Learn more about Clinical Decision Support solutions from Elsevier
臨床決策支援解決方案At Elsevier, we prioritize responsible AI practices, emphasizing transparency, bias mitigation, and human oversight to uphold trust and integrity in our tools. Hear from our Elsevier experts and learn how AI helps clinicians enhance decision-making.
AI enhances clinical decision-making by providing tailored answers to complex patient queries, boosting clinicians' confidence in delivering individualized care, particularly for patients with multiple comorbidities.
— Paul J. Helmuth, MD, Physician Clinical Executive, Elsevier
Transform your clinical practice with ClinicalKey AI, a revolutionary tool that provides quick access to evidence-based medical knowledge through conversational search powered by generative AI.
Explore the power of ClinicalKey AI today!
ClinicalKey AIOur tools provide valuable support across various specialties, offering oncology pathways for cancer care and expert decision support in radiology and pathology to empower clinicians in making informed decisions for optimal patient care.
STATdx – Radiology decision support
ExpertPath – Pathology decision support
ImmunoQuery – Immunohistochemistry decision support
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