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對於 AI 的態度:透過氣業的視角

在本節中,我們聚焦於企業研究人員對 AI (包括生成式 AI,GenAI)的態度。我們探討了其吸引力、認知影響對他們和更廣泛的社會帶來的益處、使用這些技術工具所需的透明度,以及他們看到的 AI 所帶來的挑戰

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Attitudes Toward AI: Corporate Story hero image. Female researcher enlarging cell on ipad

About the Attitudes toward AI report

Between December 2023 and February 2024, independent market research firm Ipsos conducted interviews with more than 3,000 people globally working in academia and healthcare. The findings for corporate researchers begin here:

  • 38% of respondents have already used AI for work purposes

  • 76% expect to use AI within the next 2-5 years

  • 96% think AI will accelerate knowledge discovery

See the full industry report 打開新的分頁/視窗

Corporate Researcher AI report - Female researcher enlarging cell photo on tablet

Corporate researchers are optimistic about AI’s potential

Almost all respondents think AI will drive knowledge discovery in their field, and 71% say the impact will be transformative or significant. Most respondents also believe AI will realize cost savings for businesses (93%) and free up their time to focus on higher value projects (85%). For researchers who believe AI can benefit their areas of work, 98% say they are likely to use it to generate syntheses of research articles and 93% are likely to use it to identify gaps in knowledge and generate new research hypotheses.

A graph showing the potential uses of AI in corporate research

以負責任的 AI 豐富人類知識

在 Elsevier ,我們與學術、研究和健康社群合作,將可信賴、經驗證的內容和人類專業知識與人工智慧的力量結合,推動人類進步。

我們致力於在資料與錯誤資訊快速成長的情況下,維持科學與醫療資訊的品質與完整性。我們的 AI 工具以同儕審查文章、醫學書籍和實證臨床概覽為基礎,確保資訊準確可靠。 閱讀更多關於我們的 AI 原則

Group of people wearing white coat discussing something on screen

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Across industry, R&D leaders are exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) can reinvent scientific research. Visit our industry hub for more information, resources and current events.

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Learn how researchers, clinicians, academic leaders and librarians around the world view AI in in the full report, Insights 2024: Attitudes toward AI.

Biochemists sitting around a conference table