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Late poster abstracts will still be considered.

The deadline for abstracts for talks has passed. Late poster abstracts will still be considered. Download poster guidelines here Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet.

Guidelines for authors

The Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference is focused on inter- and transdisciplinary aspects of green and sustainable chemistry. Before submitting abstracts, please make sure that your work is in scope of the conference. Only submissions clearly demonstrating a link to green and/ or sustainable chemistry will be considered.

Indicating which green chemistry principles, sustainable development goals or sustainable chemistry aspects are addressed (see Key Characteristic of Sustainable Chemistry Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet) and how your research contributes to a more sustainable future increases the chance of submission acceptance.

Conference topics

Energy Conversion and Storage

This session includes greener and more sustainable solutions in the field of energy conversion and storage such as e.g., renewable energy conversion, renewable energy storage and many others if the links to green and sustainable chemistry are demonstrated.

Sustainable Chemistry and Climate Mitigation

  1. CO2 Utilisation & Storage

  2. Hydrogen Economy

  3. Reduction of Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutant Emissions

  4. Other Approaches

This broad session will cover issues affecting the climate and the environment and highlight the pivotal role that sustainable chemistry has to play in solving them. Work related to e.g., CO2 capturing, storage and use in chemical synthesis and industrial processes, hydrogen economy and Power to X technologies, reducing green house gas and air pollutant emissions in a green and sustainable manner can be presented here. The links between these topics and green and sustainable chemistry should be demonstrated.

Sustainable Chemistry and Environmental Science

This broad session allows presentation of diverse topics related to environmental science and sustainable chemistry. Submissions describing end-of-pipe treatment such e.g. wastewater treatment or quality of e.g. soil, water, air, environmental damages etc. will NOT be accepted. Instead, submissions addressing /demonstrating for example strategies for sustainability - towards a toxic free environment Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet, a strategic approach to pharmaceuticals in the environment Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet, input reduction of pollutants or design for environmental degradation (benign by design, mineralisation) are especially welcome.

Sustainable Chemistry: The Bigger Picture

  1. Education

  2. Society

  3. Economy & Alternative Business Models

This session will focus on societal and economic dimensions of sustainability in the context of chemistry. Important sub-categories of this broad session address e.g., implementation of sustainable chemistry in education at different levels, sustainable chemistry in society, policy, and legislation. In addition, economic aspects as well as alternative business models contributing to sustainable chemistry will be covered.

Safe and Sustainable by Design

The concept of Safe and Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) has been introduced in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) in order to achieve the European Green Deal goals. SSbD is a pre-market approach to chemicals, materials, and products that integrates safety and sustainability considerations early in the innovation process from a lifecycle perspective. Despite the launch of the SSbD framework by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (EC), many questions remain regarding the implementation of SSbD (how to adapt the framework to specific sectors/products, how to deal with trade-offs, etc). Furthermore, the lack of harmonised methodologies, appropriate tools, and (FAIR) data makes it difficult to carry out the required assessments.

All contributions presenting theoretical or practical work to bring SSbD forward are welcome (such as, but not limited to, presentations on New Approach Methodologies (NAMs), Life Cycle Assessments (LCA), tools, guidance on trade-offs). We particularly welcome practical case studies that follow the SSbD framework (at least in part) and demonstrate the advantages, disadvantages, or challenges of this approach.

Sustainable Chemistry and Circular Economy

The aim of this session is to demonstrate the links between sustainable chemistry and circular economy. Topics such as e.g., design for circularity, product design for repair, reuse, refurbishment and recycling, circular use of resources (including secondary raw materials), managing substance, materials and products flows on sustainable manner are especially welcome.

Chemical Recycling of Waste

Around 5 tonnes of waste are generated by an EU inhabitant each year. Significant part of this is not recycled and simply goes to either landfill or incineration, affecting the human and environmental health badly. In accordance with the European Green Deal, extracting high-quality resources from waste will promote the transitioning to a modern, circular and competitive economy. We therefore need reliable and practical solutions for recycling the waste. This session will focus on the latest R&D work in this topic.

Sustainability Metrics and Assessment

In this session metrics, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) in sustainability and circularity can be presented. Presentations on well known assessment tools such as e.g., Life Cycle Assessment or Materials Flow Analysis of greener or more sustainable processes are also welcome.

Recent Developments in Greener Synthesis and Catalysis

In this session, the latest developments in the field of green synthesis and catalysis can be presented.

Photochemistry and Photocatalysis

This session is dedicated to use of photochemistry and photocatalysis in synthesis, processes and technologies contributing to sustainability. Submissions addressing end-of-pipe solutions e.g. wastewater treatment are not considered to be suitable for this session.

Green Analytical Chemistry

The Green analytical chemistry session will be focusing on minimizing or eliminating the use of toxic substances or the generation of waste; miniaturization, making it possible to reduce dramatically the amounts of reagents consumed and wastes generated; reducing time and energy; and environmentally friendly sample preparation techniques.

Green and Sustainable Pharmacy

Pharmacy is indispensable for our health and well-being. As in chemistry there are multiple opportunities to increase greenness and sustainability.

Sustainability of Elements and Materials

  1. Metals

  2. Plastics

  3. Resources management and monitoring

This session is dedicated to strategies for substitution of toxic elements and complex materials. Despising less complexed materials and strategies for critical elements can be presented among other examples of sustainable use of lements and materials focusing on metals and plastics. In this context, strategies, methods and tools for resource management and monitoring are also welcome.

Sustainable Chemistry and Agriculture, Regenerative Systems, Biomass and Bioresources

This session is dedicated to all aspects related to more sustainable solutions in the field of agriculture, regenerative practices/dynamics and systems, food production and processing, including topics such as valorisation of agro-industrial waste, biorefinery, biomass, bio-based materials and related flows or processes, renewable resources and energy, considering the links to green and sustainable chemistry and the UN SDGs.

Excellent publication opportunities

All authors of accepted abstracts and who have registered for the conference are invited to submit an article to a special issue dedicated to the conference in Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy

Notes for authors

Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt including an abstract reference number, which should be quoted in all correspondence. Allow at least 2 hours for your receipt to be returned to you.

You can submit as many abstracts to the conference for review as you would like. If, after the review by the committee, you have more than one paper accepted for the conference, you will need to register to attend and pay an additional paper fee for each additional paper (i.e., for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th papers – not the 1st). Please note this is for papers that you are the presenting author of, not papers that you are co-author of.

Once the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors must register for the conference and present the paper at the conference.

Abstracts of all accepted contributions will be included within the online abstract system which will be distributed to all registered conference participants.

For revisions or queries regarding papers already submitted

If you do not receive acknowledgement for your abstract submission or you wish to make any essential revisions to an abstract already submitted, please DO NOT RESUBMIT your abstract, as this may lead to duplication. Please email the Conference Content Executive Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet with details of any revisions or queries. Please quote your reference number if you have one.

Please do not email credit card information under any circumstances.

Special issues

There will be two Special Issues related to the Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference:

Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry

Keynote speakers will be invited to submit to Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet, this journal authors write short review articles in which they present recent developments in their subject, emphasising the aspects that, in their opinion, are most important.

Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy

All authors of accepted abstracts and who have registered for the conference are invited to submit an article to a special issue dedicated to the conference in Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy. Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet

Select ‘Submit your article’ under Publishing, and then for ‘Article type’: 9GSC.

Submitted articles will be subject to the usual peer review process for the journal. SCP is indexed by Chemical Abstracts, Scopus and the Science Citation Index and has an impact factor of 6 and a Citescore of 8.