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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Location, accommodation & travel information

The conference will take place at the Hilton Glasgow Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet.

Address Hilton Glasgow 1 William Street, Glasgow, G3 8HT, UK Google maps Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet

The hotel sits on the edge of Glasgow City Centre (1.5 miles), just 20 minutes from Glasgow Airport.

Despite not being Scotland’s capital city, Glasgow is the nation’s largest city. It is vibrant and compact city with plenty to offer delegates outside of the conference sessions: A range of cultural attractions include the works of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and many museums and art galleries offer free entry.

If you’re extending your stay, Glasgow has excellent travel connections for exploring Scotland and an exciting selection of year-round tours leaving daily for the Scottish Highlands.

Delegates can look forward to a warm welcome in a city voted ‘world’s friendliest city’ by Rough Guides.

Plan your trip at: visitglasgow.com Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet


Accommodation has been reserved for delegates at preferential rates at the conference hotel - the Hilton Glasgow.

Please book via this link Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet

Rooms are available for conference delegates at the specially negotiated rate of £227 including, tax, breakfast & wifi. The rate is valid between 31 August and 4 September 2025. Full pre-payment is required at the time of booking, which is non-refundable, non-changeable and non-transferable.

The preferential rates are subject to availability until 31 May 2025 or until it is sold out, whichever comes first. So please book early to secure your room at this rate.

Useful Information

Check-in: 16:00 hrs | Check-out: 11:00 hrs

Car Parking is available at £15.00 (discounted rate) per 24 hours for hotel residents. The hotel has 170 car parking spaces available on a first-come, first-served basis

Please note: Smoking is illegal throughout the hotel and a fixed penalty of £200 may be applied to your account in the event of this law being broken.

WARNING - SCAM ALERT: Exhibitor Housing Services (EHS) & Exhibitor Housing Management (EHM), Traveller Point (TP) and Travel Hosting Team (THT)

Elsevier has been made aware that third-party companies are targeting Elsevier conference speakers and attendees with a fraudulent travel and hotel booking scheme.

The companies are calling/emailing conference attendees, using email addresses which appear very similar to official Elsevier email addresses, and claiming to be the “official” housing bureau and/or authorized by Elsevier to book hotel/travel accommodations for the conference. This is entirely false and should anyone contact you, please do not provide them with any of your details, but refer this to Elsevier. If you are in any doubt about an email regarding the conference, please check this with a member of the organising team via: [email protected] Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet


Elsevier Conferences Accessibility Policy

Please access our Accessibility policy and guidelines here

How to contact us to discuss any accessibility requirements

Please contact us at [email protected] Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet to discuss any requirements or questions. The conference organizer will contact you directly to discuss further.

Please let us have the details of any specific requirements by 20 July 2025

Conference Venue

Is there disabled parking? Yes

Is the venue wheelchair accessible? Yes, at all hotel entrances

Are there accessible elevators close to the conference rooms? Yes

Are there accessible restrooms near the conference rooms (same floor/near accessible lifts?) Yes

Are the Meeting Rooms accessible? All meeting rooms you have been allocated are on same floor

Catering: on request we can arrange for early access to the catering space/assistance with the collection of catering please contact us at [email protected] Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet

Please contact us at[email protected] Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet if you would like to have an orientation tour of the venue by 31 August 2025

Conference Hotel

There are 6 accessible bedrooms, please contact the hotel direct to book on 0141 204 5555or email [email protected] Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet (event organiser)

Please see floor plan attached Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet

Please contact us at[email protected] Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet if you would like to discuss the arrangements for the conference dinner.

How to reach the venue and hotel

https://www.accessable.co.uk/glasgow-city-council Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet

https://glasgowconventionbureau.com/why-glasgow/accessible-glasgow/ Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet

For booking transfers/taxis that can meet accessibility requirements: https://glasgowconventionbureau.com/contact-us/ Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet