Submit abstract
Abstracts for poster presentations are still being considered.
Abstracts for posters are still being considered on the following topics:
Cities (concepts and frameworks)
Land use and transport (interrelations, planning, design and engineering)
Planning, environment and health (exposures, epidemiology, health effects and impacts)
Nature based solutions/green cities
Justice and inequality
Engagement, impacts and education
You can submit as many abstracts to the conference for review as you would like.
Authors: Download poster guidelines here Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet
If, after the review by the committee, you have more than one paper accepted for the conference, you will need to register to attend and pay an additional paper fee for each additional paper (i.e., for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th papers – not the 1st). Please note this is for papers that you are the presenting author of, not papers that you are co-author of.
Once the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors must register for the conference and present the paper at the conference.
Abstracts of all accepted contributions will be included within the abstract system which will be distributed to all registered conference participants.
Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt including an abstract reference number, which should be quoted in all correspondence. Allow at least 2 hours for your receipt to be returned to you.
For revisions or queries regarding papers already submitted
If you do not receive acknowledgment for your abstract submission or you wish to make any essential revisions to an abstract already submitted, please DO NOT RESUBMIT your abstract, as this may lead to duplication. Please email the Content Coordinator Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet(Please do not email credit card information under any circumstances) with details of any revisions or queries. Please quote your reference number if you have one.
Conference topics
The program will cover the following topics:
1. Cities (Concepts and frameworks)
1.1 Conceptual models and frameworks for cities
1.2 Defining, measuring and aligning liveable, sustainable, low carbon, smart, resilient, equitable, car free, compact, and/or healthy cities
1.3 Addressing complexity in cities
1.4 Informal settlements
1.5 Sustainable development goals and cities
1.6 The New Urban Agenda and future directions
1.7 Future (healthy) visions of cities (Car free, Low carbon….)
1.8 Characterising urbanization using technology (e.g. remote sensing, personal sensing, google view etc)
1.9 Cities and SDGs
1.10 The role of cities in Planetary health
2. Land use and transport (interrelations, planning, design and engineering)
2.1 City governance and planning
2.2 Connecting land use and transport planning
2.3 Land use policies and travel behaviour
2.4 What is healthy urban planning?
2.5 Healthy urban transport policy measures
2.6 Designing compact cities
2.7 Designing resilient cities
2.8 Designing cities for healthy transportation
2.9 Impact of new technologies on cities (e.g. Electric cars, autonomous vehicles)
2.10 Impact of climate change on urban and transport planning
3. Planning, environment and health (exposures, epidemiology, health effects and impacts)
3.1 Urban planning and health
3.2 Transport practice and planning and health
3.3 City governance and public health
3.4 Smart cities and health
3.5 Built environment, physical activity and health
3.6 Built environment and mental health
3.7 Built environment and physical health
3.8 Exposure and health effects of air pollution
3.9 Exposure and health effects of noise
3.10 exposure and health effects of temperature, heat islands and climate change
3.11 Informal settlements and health
3.12 Health impact assessment of urban and transport planning
3.13 Evaluations of urban interventions (environment, climate, health etc)
3.14 health co-benefits of climate mitigation and adaption action
3.15 Sessions of invited projects (e.g. UBDPolicy)
3.16 The use of remote sensing in observations and assessments of cities
4. Nature based solutions/green cities
4.1 Urban biodiversity and ecosystems
4.2 Greening of cities
4.3 Nature based solutions
4.4 Urban exposure and epidemiology of green space and biodiversity
4.5 Nature based solutions and health
4.6 Health impact assessment of nature-based solutions and green space
4.7 The use of remote sensing and google view in green space and biodiversity assessments
5. Justice and inequality
5.1 Justice in urban and transport planning
5.2 Planning and social impacts
5.3 Inequalities, environment and health
5.4 Environmental Justice
5.5 City and neighbourhood gentrification
6. Engagement, impacts and education
6.1 Stakeholder engagement
6.2 Community participation in planning
6.3 Citizens science
6.4 From science to practice
6.5 Barriers and facilitators for policy changes
6.6 Translating evidence
6.7 Education
Science Talks
Urban Transition 2024 is partnering with Science Talks
Widen the reach of your work beyond the conference to an even broader audience…
If your research is accepted for presentation at the conference, oral presenters can include a recording of their oral presentation in the video journal Science Talks.
This is open access, has DOI’s and has no publishing charges for presenters at Elsevier Conferences!
Science Talks is an open access journal that publishes original, peer-reviewed videos of scientific presentations, tutorials, and news and views.
A special issue of Science Talks with a collection of videos from the conference will be produced. We encourage our accepted oral presenters to participate to extend the reach of your presentation to an even broader, global audience. The normal publishing charges are waived for authors from the conference.
The journal is open to submissions from all areas of mathematical and physical sciences, engineering, medicine, biological sciences, humanities, and social sciences. Published videos are accompanied by a manuscript that includes an abstract, figures, tables, and references presented in the video.
There are many benefits to publishing in Science Talks:
Videos are content rich
Video content is more memorable and engaging. All submissions are peer-reviewed, and recordings undergo a quality check prior to publication to ensure our high standards are met.
Videos are easy to submit
Our easy-to-use use template makes it easy for participants to submit a manuscript to accompany their video.
Videos are freely accessible
All Science Talks videos are immediately and freely available to download and use. Published videos receive a DOI so that they can be cited, and they are hosted on ScienceDirect—the world’s largest scientific content platform with 20 million+ active users. We also add closed captioning and a transcript of the video prior to publication.
Videos are free to publish
There are no publication charges for authors who are Elsevier conference presenters.
Videos complement full-text articles
The focus of this special issue is the video presentation, which means that it is complementary to related full-length research articles published in another journal, special issue, conference collection, or as an independent article.