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Bei Elsevier publizieren


Evidenzbasierte, onkologische Entscheidungshilfen und Analysen für die Krebsbehandlung

Elsevier’s ClinicalPath presents evidence-based oncology pathways embedded in the clinical workflow — and the associated analytics — to help your team make consistent, well-informed decisions for high quality care.

ClinicalPath image

Enable predictability and profitability in your oncology practice

Evidence-based pathways

Deep and broad clinical content reflecting the latest evidence and shared best practices of the physicians who use it.

  • Collaboratively developed by the physicians within the ClinicalPath network through a consistent, inclusive, and transparent process

  • Support informed and unbiased decisions with patient-centered pathways that prioritize efficacy, toxicity, and cost

  • Prioritize clinical trials within each pathway to give physicians the opportunity to send a patient screening request to a clinical research coordinator.

Cancer patient ringing a bell with his care team

Advanced technology

EHR-integrated, clinical decision support delivered at the point of care and designed to enhance the clinical workflow.

  • Launch pathways from the patient chart to view treatment options specific to the patient presentation

  • Seamlessly guide, document, and order a patient’s individualized treatment within the workflow

Patient wearing a facemask being treated

Data insights

Meaningful reporting and interactive analytics dashboards to accurately demonstrate your patterns of care.

  • Harness clinical analytics to reinforce pathway utilization and boost on-pathway rates

  • Diagnose and optimize your operations to promote more predictable costs and put your practice in a stronger financial position

  • Leverage operational analytics to strengthen your conversations with payers and drug manufacturers

Two doctors in masks having a conversation

Your ClinicalPath advantage

When you choose ClinicalPath, your organization receives benefits unique to your partnership with Elsevier:

  • 80% on-pathway decision rate across medical and radiation oncology pathways

  • Proven results and 10+ years of experience working with leading oncology practices

  • A growing collaborative network of oncology physicians at the forefront of caring for cancer patients

  • Built-in support promoting clinical trial accrual to advance your research endeavors

  • Expertise in advanced integration with all major EHRs

Three doctors review and discuss a chart

ClinicalPath delivers a comprehensive solution focused on the patient and the physician

Standardize care

Supports standardization of care among physicians in an increasingly complex field.

Provide evidence

Guides oncologists in their treatment decisions, based on the latest evidence-based research.

Prioritize clinical trials

Promotes accrual to clinical trials, with trials prioritized within each pathway.

Enable precision medicine

Guides precision medicine by prompting oncologists to order appropriate biomarker and genetic screening panels.

Engage your patients

Supports patient and care-giver engagement through oncology-specific education.

Track results

The insights portal enables accurate tracking of patterns of care and outcomes.

"With the support of ClinicalPath’s breakthrough evidence-based oncology pathways and the associated analytics suite, health systems can run efficient, patient-specific clinical trial programs that can change lives."

Read the press release Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet

MedTech Breakthrough Award


MedTech Breakthrough Award

Four-time winner for Best Computerized Decision Support Solution

Join leading oncology professionals at the forefront of cancer care

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