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SciVal Overview Module

Develop, advance and monitor your research programs and strategy. This module provides high-level overviews of global research performance for you and your peers.

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SciVal Overview Module. Visualize and understand research performance.

Develop, advance and monitor your research programs and strategy

With the Overview module you can:

  • Profile and evaluate the performance of institutions, researchers or research groups

  • Understand performance and research strengths in specific Research Areas, Publications Sets or Topics

  • Explore your collaborations and identify potential new partners

SciVal modules

Get clarity on the bibliometrics used in rankings

  • Analyze and understand the actual bibliometrics used in the THE and QS World University Rankings

  • Explore and understand the bibliometrics used in the THE Impact Rankings

  • Analyze the trends in the bibliometric drivers to enrich your understanding and inform your rankings strategy and plans

Bibliometric data from SciVal

Conduct a portfolio analysis using Topics and Topic Clusters

  • Identify which research Topics your institution is currently active in, and which fields are growing

  • Enrich strategic research planning with Topic overviews of your own and peer institutions to identify strengths and support strategic partnership decisions

  • Identify leading researchers in priority fields to enhance collaboration and partnership efforts and the development of targeted funding bids

Learn more about SciVal Topics

SciVal Topics
SciVal VTT case study thumbnail

Fallstudie: Das Technische Forschungszentrum VTT in Finnland nutzte die vordefinierten SDG-Forschungsbereiche in SciVal, um globale und nationale Forschungsaktivitäten mit Bezug zu den SDGs zu identifizieren

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Update stakeholders, track progress and inform management decisions

SciVal includes comprehensive reporting functionality so that you can create reports tailored to your organization's needs.  Model scenarios and share insights with stakeholders to inform decision-making.

  • Create analyses across each of the six SciVal modules

  • Choose predefined reporting templates or adapt one to fit your own needs

  • Save your most used reports as templates

  • Share reports with other SciVal users in your Institution

SciVal reporting teaser

Create, manage and organize your information with My SciVal

My SciVal works across all modules and makes finding, sharing and analyzing your entities and analyses straightforward. You can use My SciVal to:

  • Build a group of researchers you want to evaluate and monitor

  • Edit Research Areas by adding search terms or applying filters

  • Add and modify tags such as department or project names to manage entities with ease

  • Share entities with other SciVal users

  • Download information about all Topics & Topic Clusters in a single spreadsheet

My SciVal screenshot

Learn more about SciVal and explore each of its modules

SciVal offers complementary modules to help you evaluate and analyze the research performance of institutions and their researchers worldwide. Explore each module to discover more ways SciVal can help your research thrive.

Explore SciVal

SciVal explainer video

Nutzen Sie die Vorteile von SciVal mit strategischen Erkenntnissen aus Ihrer Forschung – entdecken Sie, wie SciVal Ihren Anforderungen gerecht werden kann

Women scientists vector