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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Weltweit führendes Informationsmanagementsystem für die Forschung

Das vernetzte Datenmodell ermöglicht grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit, maximiert Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, fördert Open-Science-Aktivitäten und präsentiert die Errungenschaften Ihrer Institution weltweit.

The world's leading Research Information Management System

Ihre Brillanz, organisiert für Action

Unlock organized insights to drive your research strategy

Pure is a Research Information Management System (RIMS) or Current Research Information System (CRIS) designed to be simple and turnkey. Deep integration into the Research Intelligence portfolio and external Open Access (OA) databases and Open Data repositories enables actionable analysis across sources for enhanced decision-making and evidence-based execution of research strategy.

Learn more about why you need a RIMS

Why do you need a RIMS

Manage all your data sources in one secure platform

Pure brings information from all your data sources onto a single, intelligent and secure platform, empowering you to gain a comprehensive overview of all your research activities.

Learn other benefits of implementing Pure

Why Pure video thumbnail

See how Pure will enhance your role

  • Institutional leaders: Maximize research performance and funding with a cohesive software ecosystem of interoperable tools.

  • Research managers: Manage all aspects of research administration to advance funding, collaboration, publication and impact.

  • Library professionals: Increase efficiency in institutional archiving and enhance research visibility through proactive tools.

  • IT specialists: Provide reliability, sustainability and interoperability via a system that meets global security standards.

See the benefits of Pure

Who is Pure for

How does Pure work?

Pure enables the import, entry and maintenance of high-quality data about your research and other content, ensuring this linked data is the source of truth for your institution's research output, impact and capabilities.

Discover more about how Pure works

The impact of Pure

Showcase your reputation

Your peers are demonstrating their institutional impact through Pure portals.

See live Pure portals

Pure portals

Pure International Conference 2023 Highlights

The 9th Pure International Conference took place on October 24-26 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. It featured sessions that covered a wide array of topics related to Research Information Management Systems

Learn more about Pure community and support.

Pure conference 2023 teaser image

A globally trusted RIMS

People picto

750,000+ profiles

More than 750,000 researcher profiles created to date.
World picto

350+ Institutions

Implemented in more than 350 of the world’s leading institutions.
Frictionless deployment picto

Unterstützung Ihrer Pure-Reise

Unser Team von mehr als 100 Spezialisten bietet engagierten Support, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie eine außergewöhnliche Benutzererfahrung mit Pure haben.

"For me, the best thing about Pure is that most of our publications are in one place and I don't have to go through the library or learn other systems to access them. It's easy to sort and filter them and I can reach a live version of a publication in just two clicks."

Melodi Moore


Melodi Moore

Research Development Specialist