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International Congress on Separation and Purification Technology

6–9 September 2026 | Sitges, Spain

International Congress on Separation and Purification Technology

Welcome to The 3rdInternational Congress on Separation and Purification Technology (ISPT2026)!

The aim of The 3rd International Congress on Separation and Purification Technology (ISPT 2026) is to provide a forum for global leading researchers, scientists and engineers in academia, national laboratories, industry, and representatives of government organizations, to present and discuss their latest developments on Separation and Purification Technology.

The conference scope will include novel methods for separation and purification in chemical and environmental engineering for homogeneous solutions and heterogeneous mixtures. This includes any separation and/or purification of liquids, vapors, and gases, with the exception of methods intended for analytical purposes.

Conference topics

To follow

Meet the Editors

SPT (Bart), GEE/ICM/GreenChE (Suojiang Zhang), CCST (Chunfei Wu), JMS (Jerry Lin/Rong Wang), Desalination, Chemical Engineering Journal (Yong Wang), Process Safety and Environmental Protection (Guohua Chen), CJChE (Guangsheng Luo), Advanced Membranes (Weixing Xing/Huanting Wang, JWPE (Xiaochang Wang)).

Welcome letter from chairs

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the 3rd International Congress on Separation and Purification Technology (ISPT 2026), to be held in beautiful Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, from September 6-9, 2026.

Organized by Elsevier's flagship journal, Separation and Purification Technology, ISPT 2026 will provide a premier forum for leading researchers worldwide to showcase their cutting-edge work in all areas of separation and purification science.

Conference Scope:

The congress will cover the full spectrum of separation and purification technologies, including novel methods for homogeneous solutions and heterogeneous mixtures in chemical and environmental engineering. This encompasses the separation and/or purification of liquids, vapors, and gases (excluding analytical methods). We will feature advances stemming from the latest innovations in experimental studies, theoretical analyses, process development and simulation, equipment design and fabrication. The preparation and modification of materials will be considered if the intended separation/purification operation is a core component of the work, rather than solely a characterization tool.

Focus Areas:

ISPT 2026 will place particular emphasis on addressing separation challenges in emerging technologies, including:

Carbon neutrality

Hydrogen separation/generation


Bio-based feedstocks/products

Green technology

Energy storage and conversion

Resource recovery and recycling

Gas/water treatments

Networking and Publication Opportunities:

This conference offers an exceptional opportunity to connect with world-leading scientists, top researchers from academia, national laboratories/research institutes, and industry. Stay abreast of the latest research and developments in this rapidly evolving field.

Call for Abstracts:

We encourage you to submit abstracts showcasing your cutting-edge research and industry progress in separation and purification technology. Selected presentations and posters will be recommended for publication in the ISPT 2026 Special Issue (VSI: ISPT2026) of Separation and Purification Technology. This high-impact platform (2023 IF: 8.2), a JCR Q1 top journal in the Elsevier family, provides exceptional visibility for leading experts worldwide. We extend our sincere gratitude to the editorial team, reviewers, and authors for their tireless support and contributions to the journal's growing global impact.

We look forward to welcoming you to Sitges!


ISPT 2026 Conference Chairs

Jorge Bedia, University Autonoma of Madrid, Spain

Bart Van der Bruggen, KU Leuven, Belgium

Marta Pazos, University of Vigo, Spain

Monica Reig, Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Spain

Conference Deadlines

Abstract submission deadline: 20 March 2026

Author notification deadline: 22 May 2026

Author registration/Early bird deadline: 26 June 2026


Find ISPT 2024 Awards' Winner list here opens in new tab/window.

Young Scientist Award

The ISPT 2024 Young Scientist Award is established for outstanding young researchers who hold an independent academic position (e.g. tenured/tenure-track faculty) or an equivalent position within a national research laboratory (R&D Staff member), international organization or industry (R&D Engineer/Scientist) and should be within 10 years of the award of their PhD in separation and purification technology area at the time of the submission deadline of February 29, 2024.

Find More ISPT 2024 Young Scientist Award Description Here opens in new tab/window

Best Presentation Award

This award is given to the best oral presentation presented at the conference. The oral presentation will be evaluated based on Presentation Style, Research Quality, and Layout/Design. Unique opportunity to combine visual and oral explanations of your projects in the form of oral presentation.

Best Poster Award

This award is given to the best poster presented at the conference. It rewards a combination of excellent research, innovation, and presentation. Unique opportunity to combine visual and oral explanations of your projects in the form of poster presentation.

ISPT 2024 IACC Carbon Capture Lectureship Award

The ISPT 2024 IACC Carbon Capture Lectureship Award is established for outstanding researchers who hold an independent academic position (e.g. tenured/tenure-track faculty) or an equivalent position within a national research laboratory (R&D Staff member), international organization or industry (R&D Engineer/Scientist), demonstrating outstanding research performance from all aspects of Carbon Capture (Point Source Carbon Capture, Carbon Dioxide Removal, Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU), Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS), and other Carbon Capture Processes, Process Integration and Intensification, Materials- and Chemistry-related Carbon Capture Science, Bioenergy, Hydrogen Production from Carbon-based Materials, Process Modelling and Techno-Economic Analysis of Carbon Capture Technologies, etc). This Award is sponsored by International Association for Carbon Capture (IACC*), a charity registered in United Kingdom. The candidate must be a member of IACC to apply for this award (The membership of IACC is currently free for the members and can be registered via the link: opens in new tab/window ).

Find More ISPT 2024 IACC Carbon Capture Lectureship Award Here opens in new tab/window


This conference is organised by Elsevier.

Science Talks

Science Talks is an open access journal that publishes original, peer-reviewed videos of scientific presentations, tutorials, and news and views. The journal is open to submissions from all areas of mathematical and physical sciences, engineering, medicine, biological sciences, humanities, and social sciences. Published videos are accompanied by a manuscript that includes an abstract, figures, tables, and references presented in the video. Recent publications in SCTALK can be found here: Science Talks | Vol 9, In progress (March 2024) | by Elsevier opens in new tab/window

Science talks

There are many benefits to publishing in Science Talks:

Videos are content rich

Video content is more memorable and engaging. All submissions are peer-reviewed, and recordings undergo a quality check prior to publication to ensure our high standards are met.

Videos are easy to submit

Our easy-to-use use template makes it easy for participants to submit a manuscript to accompany their video.

Videos are freely accessible

All Science Talks videos are immediately and freely available to download and use. Published videos receive a DOI so that they can be cited, and they are hosted on ScienceDirect—the world’s largest scientific content platform with 20 million+ active users. We also add closed captioning and a transcript of the video prior to publication.

Videos are free to publish

There are no publication charges for authors who submit before 31st December 2024.

A special issue based on ISPT 2022 opens in new tab/window has been published in Science Talks. This year, we are offering the same opportunity and welcome presenters from ISPT 2024 to participate in the video special issue dedicated to the conference.

Submission will open on 21st June 2024, and will close on 11th October 2024.

When preparing for the submission, please make sure it includes:

A video recording – the recording via zoom or any other platform of your preference must have good audio quality, while talking through a set of slides.

A short manuscript prepared according to the journal’s template opens in new tab/window, which allows viewers to review a short abstract, and access tables and figures that you will present and a reference list. Journal’s editorial staff can help you with the editing of your manuscript before submission if required.

Short author bio for each co-author of your publication which includes a profile photo + a short paragraph.

Please kindly be noted that you can publish a full-length article, and then, submit a video article to Science Talks, it is not a ‘one or another’ situation.

When submitting, please kindly make sure to choose ISPT 2024.

For any queries related to the video collection, please feel free to contact Chang Liu via [email protected] opens in new tab/window.

Special Issue

Post-conference special issue of Separation and Purification Technology

A special issue will be published after the conference on Separation and Purification TechnologyThe submission will be open to the invited presenters at ISPT 2024. All full paper submissions in this special issue will be peer reviewed and evaluated by guest editors of the special issue.

When submitting, please select “VSI: ISPT 2024” when you reach the “Issue – Select Issue Type” step at the start of the submission process. To ensure high-quality contributions, all articles will be subject to the usual peer-review process of Separation and Purification Technology.

Guide for Authors opens in new tab/window Special Issue submission will be open from August 2024 to February 2025

第二届国际分离纯化技术大会 (ISPT 2024)

2024年7月7日-11日 中国,河南,郑州希尔顿酒店


作者通知截止日期:2024年4月 12日

大会作者/早鸟注册截止日期:2024年 5 月10 日


本届ISPT 2024 将汇集世界一流的研究学者、用户和专家,同时覆盖分离和纯化技术领域的各个方面。会议内容涵盖化学和环境工程中均质溶液和异质混合物的分离及纯化新方法。其中包括液体、蒸汽和气体的分离和/或纯化,但不包括用于分析目的的方法。



  • 专题 1. ISPT 2024第二届国际优秀青年学者膜技术论坛 (IOYSF-MTech 2024,青年膜论坛) (主办:北京膜学会,协办:世界膜学会、亚太膜学会、欧洲膜学会、北美膜学会、澳洲膜学会)

  • 专题 2. ISPT 2024首届国际优秀博士生分离与纯化技术论坛(IGSS-SPT 2024,优博论坛)

  • 专题 3. 粤港澳大湾区分离纯化技术论坛

  • 专题 4. 分离纯化技术女科学家论坛 (WSPT 2024)

  • 专题 5. 用于清洁空气、水和能源的新兴分离技术

  • 专题 6. 大数据科学/人工智能在先进分离和纯化技术领域的应用

  • 专题 7. 先进膜高端论坛

  • 专题 8. 面向碳捕集及环境可持续的先进膜技术

  • 专题 9. 高选择性气体和蒸汽分离膜

  • 专题 10. 面向碳捕集及气体分离的吸附材料

  • 专题 11. 溶剂法碳捕集及气体分离

  • 专题 12. 直接空气碳捕集 (DAC) 和直接海洋碳捕集 (DOC)

  • 专题 13. 生物质碳去除与封存 (BiCRS)

  • 专题 14. 二氧化碳催化转化制备可持续燃料及化学品

  • 专题 15. 碳捕集及转化利用集成技术(ICCU)

  • 专题 16. 可持续碳捕集及碳去除的全生命周期分析(LCA)和技术经济评估(TEA)

  • 专题 17. 面向氢能源的先进分离技术

  • 专题 18. 新兴污染物去除与分离

  • 专题 19. 面向分离纯化过程的分子与界面科学

  • 专题 20. 增材制造/3D打印技术用于新型膜技术和结构化吸附剂

  • 专题 21. 先进精馏

  • 专题 22. 高级氧化技术

  • 专题 23. 吸附与离子交换:基础及应用

  • 专题 24. 结晶与蒸发

  • 专题 25. 水处理、脱盐和再利用

  • 专题 26. 资源循环利用与水处理

  • 专题 27. 重金属去除及分离

  • 专题 28. 轻烃吸附分离

  • 专题 29. 面向能源与环境的电化学分离

  • 专题 30. 萃取分离、木质素资源化利用和绿色化工

  • 专题 31. 离子液体: 新型分离和反应过程

  • 专题 32. 绿色可持续分离纯化技术

  • 专题 33. 生物分离与生物炼制前沿:从生物质到生物产品及生物能源

  • 专题 34. 分离纯化过程放大和工业应用

  • 专题 35. 仿生膜与膜过程

  • 专题 36. 二维膜材料与膜过程

  • 专题 37. 混合基质膜: 基础及应用

  • 专题 38. 膜蒸馏、渗透气化、疏水膜及过程

  • 专题 39. 纳米尺度膜法水处理及能源应用

  • 专题 40. 反渗透、纳滤及正渗透

  • 专题 41. 电驱动膜技术及离子交换膜

  • 专题 42. 无机与碳分子筛膜

  • 专题 43. 有机溶剂分离膜

  • 专题 44. 用于离子选择性分离的先进材料

  • 专题 45. 油/水分离

  • 专题 46. 膜制备方法与膜表征

  • 专题 47. 膜传递机理、过程模拟与膜组件设计

  • 专题 48. 用于先进分离的新型膜材料与膜过程

  • 专题 49. 集成膜技术与膜污染防治

  • 专题 50. 面向生物材料及医药产业的先进分离纯化技术

  • 墙报1:碳捕集及气体分离科学与技术

  • 墙报2:先进膜分离

  • 墙报3:吸附与离子交换

  • 墙报4:绿色可持续分离纯化技术

  • 墙报5:分离纯化技术中的常规主题

Meet the Editors国际期刊主编论坛 (与主编面对面)



Suojiang Zhang (张锁江院士/何宏艳研究员) : Green Energy & Environment (GEE,绿色能源与环境)、Industrial Chemistry & Materials (ICM,工业化学材料)、Green Chemical Engineering (GreenChE,绿色化学工程)

Weihong Xing/Huanting Wang(邢卫红教授/王焕庭院士): Advanced Membranes (AM,先进膜)

Hongbo Zeng (曾宏波院士): Advances in Colloid and Interface Science (ACIS,胶体与界面科学前沿)

Guangsheng Luo (骆广生教授): Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering (CJChE,中国化学工程杂志)

Chunfei Wu (吴春飞教授): Carbon Capture Science & Technology (CCST,碳捕集科学与技术)

Tao He (何涛教授): Desalination (脱盐)

Xiaochang Wang (王晓昌教授): Journal of Water Process Engineering (JWPE,水处理工程杂志)

Guohua Chen(陈国华院士): Process Safety and Environmental Protection (PSEP,过程安全与环境保护)

Meifang Zhu(朱美芳院士):Advanced Fiber Materials (AFMs, 先进纤维材料)

Shouliang Yi (伊守亮教授): Results in Engineering (RINENG,工程前沿)

Bart Van der Bruggen教授: Separation and Purification Technology (SPT,分离与纯化技术)