Learn and participate
Theme 1. International Outstanding Young Scholar Symposium on Membrane Technology (IOYSF-MTech) (Organized by Beijing Membrane Society, Co-organized by World Association of Membrane Societies (WA-MS), Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS), European Membrane Society (EMS), North American Membrane Society (NAMS), Membrane Society of Australia (MSA))
Theme 2. International Graduate Student Symposium on Separation and Purification Technology (IGSS-SPT 2024)
Theme 3. Greater Bay Area (Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macau) Symposium on Separation and Purification Technology
Theme 4. Women in Separation and Purification Technology (WSPT 2024)
Theme 5. Emerging Separation Technologies for Clean Air, Water and Energy
Theme 6. Big Data Science/Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Separation and Purification Technology
Theme 7. Advanced Membranes Top-level Forum
Theme 8. Advanced Membranes for Carbon Capture and Environmental Sustainability
Theme 9. Highly Selective Gas and Vapor Membrane Separations
Theme 10. Adsorbent Materials for Carbon Capture and Gas Separations
Theme 11. Solvent-based Carbon Capture and Gas Separations
Theme 12. Direct Air Capture (DAC) & Direct Ocean Capture (DOC)
Theme 13. Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS)
Theme 14. Carbon Dioxide Conversion to Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals
Theme 15. Integrated Carbon Capture and Utilization (ICCU)
Theme 16. LCA and TEA of Sustainable Carbon Capture and Removal
Theme 17. Advanced Separations for Hydrogen Energy
Theme 18. Emerging Contaminants Removal and Separation
Theme 19. Intermolecular and Surface Interactions in Separation and Purification Processes
Theme 20. Additive Manufacturing/3D printing technology for novel membrane technology and structuring absorbents
Theme 21. Advanced Distillation
Theme 22. Advanced Oxidation Technology
Theme 23. Adsorption and Ion Exchange: Fundamentals and Applications
Theme 24. Crystallization and Evaporation
Theme 25. Water Treatment, Desalination, and Reuse
Theme 26. Resource Recovery and Water Treatment
Theme 27. Heavy Metal Removal and Separation
Theme 28. Adsorptive Separation of Hydrocarbons
Theme 29. Electrochemical Separations for Energy and Environment
Theme 30. Extractive Separation, Industrial Lignin Utilization and Green Chemical Engineering
Theme 31. Ionic Liquids: Novel Separations and Reaction Processes
Theme 32. Green and Sustainable Separation and Purification Technology
Theme 33. Advances in Bioseparations and Biorefineries: From Biomass to Bioproducts and Biofuels
Theme 34. Scale-up and Industrial Applications of Separation and Purification Processes
Theme 35. Biomimetic and Bioinspired Membranes & Membrane Processes
Theme 36. Two-dimensional Membrane Materials and Processes
Theme 37. Mixed Matrix Membranes: Fundamentals and Applications
Theme 38. Membrane Distillation, Pervaporation, Hydrophobic Membrane, and Processes
Theme 39. Nanoscale Membranes for Water and Energy Applications
Theme 40. Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration, and Forward Osmosis
Theme 41. Electro-driven Membrane Technology and Ion-exchange Membrane
Theme 42. Inorganic and CMS Membrane for Gas and Liquid Separations
Theme 43. Membrane-based Organic Solvent Separations
Theme 44. Advanced Materials for Ion-Selective Separations
Theme 45. Oil/Water Separation
Theme 46. Membrane Fabrication and Characterization
Theme 47. Membrane Transport Phenomena, Process Simulation, and Module Design
Theme 48. New Membranes Materials and Membrane Processes for Advanced Separations
Theme 49. Integrated Membrane Processes and Membrane Antifouling Strategies
Theme 50. Advanced Separation and Purification Technologies for Biomaterials and Pharmaceutical Industry
Poster Session 1: Carbon Capture and Gas Separation Science & Technology
Poster Session 2: Advanced Membrane Separations
Poster Session 3: Adsorption and Ion Exchange
Poster Session 4: Green and Sustainable Separation and Purification Technology
Poster Session 5: General Topics on Separations
Meet the Editors
SPT (Bart), GEE/ICM/GreenChE (Suojiang Zhang), CCST (Chunfei Wu),JMS (Jerry Lin/Rong Wang),Desalination, Chemical Engineering Journal (Yong Wang), Process Safety and Environmental Protection (Guohua Chen), CJChE (Guangsheng Luo), Advanced Membranes (Weixing Xing/Huanting Wang, JWPE (Xiaochang Wang))
Notes for accepted authors
At least one author of the accepted abstract must register to attend the meeting to present your work and answer questions. Only talks and posters of registered participants will be scheduled in the program.
Full guidelines regarding preparing your online presentation will be sent to you prior to the event.
Accepted oral presenters: you will give a live talk in parallel with your slides at a scheduled time and answer questions from our online audience. Subject to your approval the slides and a recording of your talk will be available on-demand after the live event.
Accepted poster authors: Present your poster alongside a 2-minute video and talk directly with attendees via scheduled 1:1 meetings during the live event. Subject to your approval your poster and a recording of your poster pitch will be available on-demand after the live event.
If it is difficult to present in person due to the difference in time zones oral and poster authors may submit a recorded video presentation for the live stream but we encourage live participation where possible to facilitate live Q&A with our live audience. Please discuss this option with the conference organisers if this is something you wish to take advantage of.
Abstracts of all accepted contributions will be included within the online abstract system which will be distributed to all registered conference participants.
For revisions or queries regarding papers already submitted:
If you do not receive acknowledgement for your abstract submission or you wish to make any essential revisions to an abstract already submitted, please DO NOT RESUBMIT your abstract, as this may lead to duplication. Please email the Conference Content Executive opens in new tab/window with details of any revisions or queries. Please quote your reference number if you have one.
Please do not mail credit card information under any circumstances.
Special issue
Post-conference special issue of Separation and Purification Technology
A special issue will be published after the conference on Separation and Purification Technology. The submission will be open to the invited presenters at ISPT 2024. All full paper submissions in this special issue will be peer reviewed and evaluated by guest editors of the special issue.
When submitting, please select “VSI: ISPT 2024” when you reach the “Issue – Select Issue Type” step at the start of the submission process. To ensure high-quality contributions, all articles will be subject to the usual peer-review process of Separation and Purification Technology.
Guide for Authors opens in new tab/window Special Issue submission will be open from August 2024 to February 2025.