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International Congress on Separation and Purification Technology

6–9 September 2026 | Sitges, Spain

International Congress on Separation and Purification Technology

Conference topics

Welcome letter from chairs

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the 3rd International Congress on Separation and Purification Technology (ISPT 2026), to be held in beautiful Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, from September 6-9, 2026.

Organized by Elsevier's flagship journal, Separation and Purification Technology, ISPT 2026 will provide a premier forum for leading researchers worldwide to showcase their cutting-edge work in all areas of separation and purification science.

Conference Scope:

The congress will cover the full spectrum of separation and purification technologies, including novel methods for homogeneous solutions and heterogeneous mixtures in chemical and environmental engineering. This encompasses the separation and/or purification of liquids, vapors, and gases (excluding analytical methods). We will feature advances stemming from the latest innovations in experimental studies, theoretical analyses, process development and simulation, equipment design and fabrication. The preparation and modification of materials will be considered if the intended separation/purification operation is a core component of the work, rather than solely a characterization tool.

Focus Areas:

ISPT 2026 will place particular emphasis on addressing separation challenges in emerging technologies, including:

  • Carbon neutrality

  • Hydrogen separation/generation

  • Biotechnology

  • Bio-based feedstocks/products

  • Green technology

  • Energy storage and conversion

  • Resource recovery and recycling

  • Gas/water treatments

Networking and Publication Opportunities:

This conference offers an exceptional opportunity to connect with world-leading scientists, top researchers from academia, national laboratories/research institutes, and industry. Stay abreast of the latest research and developments in this rapidly evolving field.

Call for Abstracts:

We encourage you to submit abstracts showcasing your cutting-edge research and industry progress in separation and purification technology. Selected presentations and posters will be recommended for publication in the ISPT 2026 Special Issue (VSI: ISPT2026) of Separation and Purification Technology. This high-impact platform (2023 IF: 8.2), a JCR Q1 top journal in the Elsevier family, provides exceptional visibility for leading experts worldwide. We extend our sincere gratitude to the editorial team, reviewers, and authors for their tireless support and contributions to the journal's growing global impact.

We look forward to welcoming you to Sitges!


ISPT 2026 Conference Chairs

Jorge Bedia, University Autonoma of Madrid, Spain

Bart Van der Bruggen, KU Leuven, Belgium

Marta Pazos, University of Vigo, Spain

Monica Reig, Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Spain

Conference Deadlines

Abstract submission deadline: 20 March 2026

Author notification deadline: 22 May 2026

Author registration/Early bird deadline: 26 June 2026


This conference is organised by Elsevier.