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Stories of institutional excellence, powered by Pure

More than 500+ institutions across 56 countries use Pure to streamline research management, tapping into actionable insights that drive strategic decision making.

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Asia Pacific

University of Canberra

Building an integrated research data management framework around Pure

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University of Canberra

University of Canberra

City University of Hong Kong

To solve challenges such as data silos and administrative inefficiency due to multiple incompatible researcher profiles, City University of Hong Kong sought a better way to collect and analyze its institutional research data. Discover why they chose Pure over other options.

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City University of Hong Kong

City University of Hong Kong

Lingnan University, Hong Kong

As the research environment at Lingnan University got increasingly competitive, and the regulatory framework imposed by funding agencies or governing bodies more rigorous, it needed to have access to timely and accurate data to help formulate sensible research strategies. Read how Lingnan University unlocked its research potential with Pure.

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Lingnan University Hong Kong

Lingnan University, Hong Kong

Monash University, Australia

Amidst unprecedented campus growth, Monash University required a sophisticated research information management system that could help them streamline funding workflows and business processes. See how they were able to solve challenges with Pure’s Awards Management Module.

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Monash University, Australia

Monash University, Australia

Taipei Medical University (TMU), Taiwan

To support its growth ambitions, TMU chose to adopt Pure, using it to centrally administrate data collation and research reporting of its different colleges and research centers, and to align research information to the practice of international communities. Read how Pure contributed towards building TMU’s excellence in research performance and global collaboration.

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Taipei Medical University Taiwan

Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

The Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), India

The Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) implementation of the Pure Portal advanced their progress towards increased international collaboration by making research visible to a global audience. As the first Pure installation in India, MAHE anticipated unique challenges but discovered that Pure easily met their needs. Read about MAHE’s journey with Pure.

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Manipal Academy of Higher Education India

Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India

Korea University

Why Pure has become the go-to solution for one of Korea’s most influential researchers.

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Korea University

Korea University

Korea University

Building international collaboration and recognition with Pure.

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Korea University

Korea University

Torrens University, Australia

A remarkable opportunity – A collaborative journey

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Torrens University Australia

Torrens University, Australia

Pure, in their words

Santhosh Krishnan Venkata

Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India

"We were looking at a platform where we have information unified in one single place, and that's where we came across the platform funding institution. It integrates different funders and provides various funding opportunities for researchers." 

Wanaruk Chaimayo

Mahidol University, Thailand

"The main thing is that Pure has helped facilitate our research administration, from the applications of the proposals until the project closure." 

Timmy Liu

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

“[We chose Pure] for two reasons. One is because we were looking for the leader in the industry and the other one is the support that they can provide.”

Timmy Liu, Data Analytics Lead, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Anesh Nair

University of Canberra, Australia

"The end-to-end streamlined research data management process made possible by the integration helps us adopt best practices for data management and create a secure data environment for all research stakeholders."

Dr. Anesh Nair, Manager, Research Ethics, Integrity, and eResearch, University of Canberra, Australia

President Dr. Yun Yen

Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

“At this moment, we have about 300 grant approvals from the government a year. With Pure, we have a great tool to facilitate TMU’s research momentum, and we’re primed to take on the leading role now.”

President Dr. Yun Yen, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

Sadayoshi Ito

Tohoku University, Japan

“We use many data sources like Elsevier’s to know ourselves and…the collaborators and so that we can have much more strategy based on the data."

Sadayoshi Ito, Tohoku University, Japan

Santhosh Krishnan Venkata

Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India

“On a smaller level our home-grown system was fine, but to scale it to all faculty members we needed a solution that could automate the work and ensure data becomes fully trustworthy for reports and our public profiles.”

Santosh Venkata video

Kwan-Young Lee

Korea University

“Pure has improved the visibility and research reputation of Korea University globally by promoting our excellent researchers and their research achievements. Ultimately, I believe that this improves our overall research capability and international recognition.”

Kwan-Young Lee, Korea University

Prof. Yong Sik Ok

Korea University

“I was recently interviewed for a documentary on my scientific life on Korean television – a great honor. They asked what the secret is to becoming the number one environmental scientist in the world. I explained that Pure has made everything possible.”

Prof. Yong Sik Ok, Korea University


University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark

As one of the first institutions to implement Pure, the University of Copenhagen has leveraged its long history of engagement with the Danish Pure User Group and Pure to influence the development roadmap. Learn how UCPH uses Pure to increase visibility of research results and researchers, facilitating increased collaborations within the university and with external partners.

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University of Copenhagen Denmark

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

University of Vienna, Austria

To maintain its leadership as Austria’s most extensive academic institution, the University of Vienna looked to overhaul its Current Research Information System (CRIS) with a solution that would be well-accepted and easily utilized by its researchers, the library and the administration. Discover how Pure facilitates a researcher-centric approach to research reporting and evaluation for the University of Vienna.

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University of Vienna Austria

University of Vienna, Austria

Riga Stradins University, Latvia

Information management pioneers launch Pure in Latvia

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Rīga Stradins University Latvia

Rīga Stradins University, Latvia

Pure, in their words

Kristine Kuznecova

Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia

"We wanted to stop working hard and start working smarter. We looked at other universities and saw that many of them had Pure."

Kayleigh Swords

Mary Immaculate College, Ireland

"Pure just blew us away... The reporting capabilities in particular were excellent and something that we really needed." 

Karolina Zernicka

Central European University, Austria

"We really wanted to collect all information in one place. We wanted this information to be structured, organized, and consistent. This way, we could use it to measure the reach and impact of our research and our community."

Marie Mallon

Ulster University, Ireland

"For researchers and faculties, they always require information to establish what they've been doing and what information is out there about themselves. The data in Pure backs up what they're saying, and they're constantly having to report back to senior managers, so the data and analytics help with that." 

Dimitri Unger

Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands

“The main issues [that Pure solved] were reporting to certain government institutions and our yearly reports. And, besides that, to profile our researchers on a portal so they could be more visible to the outside world.”

Dimitri Unger, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands

Mark Cox

King’s College London, UK

“…the best feature of Pure is the fact that it is so interconnected. The data model is wonderful for making the connections between all the various content types within the system.”

Mark Cox, King’s College London, UK

Nicolaj Veje Pedersen

Aarhus University, Denmark

“Pure matures according to the challenges and the realities that the universities in Denmark are faced with.”

Nicolaj Veje Pedersen, Aarhus University, Denmark

Steven Van den Berghe

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

“The old system, it wasn’t that it wasn’t advanced at all, but there were just things that we couldn't do with it, like the standardized reporting, the activities… There was nobody at the university who would generate the CV from the old system…now with the new system [Pure] we do find that we get a lot of questions from researchers that actually want to do more.”

Steven Van den Berghe, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Tiago Guedes

Nova University, Portugal

“I think the system really shines when it’s fully integrated…you get the original source data from Scopus, but then you can actually edit it and manage it in Pure. So, the quality of data that you're getting in SciVal is much better [and] you can guarantee the Deans that you’re not losing as much data as if they were using only Scopus.”

Tiago Guedes, Nova University, Lisbon, Portugal

Yvonne Fox

Lancaster University, UK

“We used Pure to put together our submission to the Research Excellence Framework... It made putting that information together so much easier because it was so much more transparent. We were able to bring all of our outputs together into one place and to build a past submission over a matter of months… when we were happy it was completely together, we actually used Pure just to interface directly to the Research Excellence Framework submission system, so it made my life so much easier.”

Yvonne Fox, Lancaster University, UK

North America

Syracuse University, USA

The Research Impact Team at Syracuse University Libraries has been leading a revolution in performance measurement on campus. Since 2020, team lead Emily Hart and her colleagues have made great strides toward improving the research reputation of Syracuse University and supporting its research enterprise. Learn how Syracuse's libraries are leveraging Pure and Scopus to optimize visibility of its research.

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Syracuse University

Syracuse University, USA

RTI International, USA

RTI International’s move from their do-it-yourself (DIY) solution to Pure provided the right balance of a stable and reliable solution that also allowed customization. Partnering a small and empowered internal team with a Pure project manager resulted in a smooth and rapid implementation. Read about RTI International’s journey with Pure.

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RTI International, USA

RTI International, USA

Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM), Mexico

Soon after they decided to pursue a new direction as a research university, the Universidad de Monterrey implemented Pure to efficiently manage their small but rapidly growing research output. Learn how dedicated implementation support from Pure ensured a smooth and successful transition for UDEM.

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Universidad de Monterrey Mexico

Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico

University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), USA

Within days of China announcing the new coronavirus, experts at the Galveston National Laboratory (GNL), a US maximum biosecurity (BSL4) laboratory, were studying a live sample. Within weeks, they were collaborating with Moderna and Pfizer on vaccine candidates. Read about the crucial role Pure played in swiftly monitoring and highlighting the lab’s work, as well as UTMB’s wider contributions to the global COVID-19 response.

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University of Texas Medical Branch USA

University of Texas Medical Branch, USA

University of Kentucky, USA

The University of Kentucky adopted Elsevier's Pure Research Information Management System (RIMS) to showcase better and manage our diverse research activities. The university chose Pure for its user-friendly interface, automated data integration, and ability to create accurate researcher profiles, which has helped them increase the visibility and inclusivity of research across all disciplines. Implementing Pure has also supported their responsible research assessment strategy and improved our internal funding processes.

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University of Kentucky, USA

Pure, in their words

Andy Herzog

University of Minnesota, Minnesota

"We talked to several people who found Pure very useful for finding collaborators, whether in industry, among donors, or other researchers."

Paul Daniels

Athabasca University, Canada

"Data-driven decisions are better for moving institutional priorities forward than intuition or anecdotal decision-making. With Pure, the ability to consolidate various pieces of research information and analyze them from different perspectives is especially powerful." 

Melodi Moore

UTMB Research Administration, U.S.

“I don’t know what we would have done without Pure and Research Expert Profiles during COVID-19. We’ve used it so much, from reporting on our work to showcasing our experts.”

Melodi Moore Research Development Specialist, UTMB Research Administration, U.S.

Bonnie Nelson

RTI International, USA

“[Researchers ask] can you track our project funding against the growth of research from that funding? Can you tell us how many books, chapters, articles there are? Is there a growth in articles? Are we publishing in higher impact journals? It’s just made it really easy to have all the information in one place, visible.”

Bonnie Nelson, RTI International, USA

Karen Ramsden

Montclair State University, USA

“…faculty love to use it because they can show what each other are doing and showcase what their schools are doing. Our Deans like to look at it, and our Chairs because then they can also see from their respective school and college what kind of output is happening scholarly. And, interestingly enough, our administrative units like to look at it…especially our fundraisers…they can look and see what kind of research is being done at the university when talking to grantmakers, potential donors, existing donors, and alumni.”

Karen Ramsden, Montclair State University

Mark Nijland

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, USA

"Moving to Pure has given us a whole new perspective on how we can connect research productivity to faculty, and we look forward to using it to help faculty maintain faculty research productivity metrics."

Mark Nijland, UT Health San Antonio, USA

South America

The University of Rosario, Colombia

The University of Rosario’s 300-year tradition of social sciences and humanities research, shared in local languages, was largely invisible to the rest of the world. Discover how Pure helped raise the global visibility of their non-English, non-STEM research.

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University of Rosario Colombia

University of Rosario, Colombia

Pure, in their words

María Gabriela Benítez-Salgado

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador

"The main challenge for us was to make our research outputs visible and to have our researchers' profiles consolidated in one place. [With Pure,] we can have their information on the same site, connected to the university's website, showing their courses, metrics, scientific production, and collaborations around the world." 

Middle East & Africa

Pure, in their words

Alaa AlSaleh

Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS)

"After using Pure, collaborators internationally, locally, and even within the Gulf regions have started contacting us, seeing that our research is actually making a difference and being very impactful. This is something that we could not showcase before using systems such as Pure."