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Inspiring organized brilliance around the world

Universities and institutions trust Pure to solve research management challenges, and streamline processes to unlock their full research potential.

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The world's leading commercial RIMS, designed to exceed expectations

With Pure, universities and institutions are empowering collaboration, demonstrating societal impact and showcasing their reputation to the world.

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Client stories

Susie Cullinane

South East Technological University, Ireland

“Pure gives us access to complete, current, correct and connected information on all of our research activities.”

Susie Cullinane, Senior Project Coordinator, Research, Innovation & Graduate Studies, South East Technological University, Ireland

Melodi Moore

UTMB Research Administration, U.S.

“I don’t know what we would have done without Pure and Research Expert Profiles during COVID-19. We’ve used it so much, from reporting on our work to showcasing our experts.”

Melodi Moore Research Development Specialist, UTMB Research Administration, U.S.

Amanda Shepherd

Charles Sturt University, Australia

“Pure has given us the capability to report on the full spectrum of our research activity and showcase that to the external world. It’s also allowed us to streamline our business processes in the management of research, and it gives us an intuitive interface for our users to engage with.”

Amanda Shepherd, Data and Reporting Manager, Research Department, Charles Sturt University, Australia

Timmy Liu

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

“[We chose Pure] for two reasons. One is because we were looking for the leader in the industry and the other one is the support that they can provide.”

Timmy Liu, Data Analytics Lead, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

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