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Symposium proposals

The deadline for submitting symposium proposals has now passed.


Symposium Proposal Submission: 7 February 2025

Symposium Proposal Review: 21 February 2025

Symposium Proposal Outcome Notification: 25 February 2025

Abstract submission

The abstract submission system will open on: 27 February 2025

Abstract submission deadline: 2 May 2025

Conference topics

1. Dynamic ecosystem models

2. Uncertainty analysis

3. Ensemble modelling

4. Data assimilation and optimization techniques

5. Machine learning and (big) data

6. Model integration, metamodels

7. Individual-based modelling

8. Software and tools

9. Bioenergetics: Dynamic energy budget models

10. Network modelling

11. Models of socio-ecological systems

12. Models of global, climate and land-use change

13. Sustainability and resilience

14. Ecosystem services

15. Biodiversity and conservation

16. Community models

17. Marine ecology and fisheries

18. Forests

19. Freshwaters (lakes and rivers)

20. Models of epidemics

21. Other

You can submit as many abstracts to the conference for review as you would like. If, after the review by the committee, you have more than one paper accepted for the conference, you will need to register to attend and pay an additional paper fee for each additional paper (i.e., for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th papers – not the 1st). Please note this is for papers that you are the presenting author of, not papers that you are co-author of.

Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt including an abstract reference number, which should be quoted in all correspondence. Allow at least 2 hours for your receipt to be returned to you.

For revisions or queries regarding papers already submitted:

For revisions or queries regarding abstracts already submitted please contact the Conference Content Executive 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く, (please do not email credit card information under any circumstances). If you do not receive acknowledgement for your abstract submission or you wish to make any essential revisions to an abstract already submitted, please DO NOT RESUBMIT your abstract, as this may lead to duplication. Please email the Conference Content Executive 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く, (please do not email credit card information under any circumstances) with details of any revisions or queries. Please quote your reference number if you have one. A condition of submission is that if accepted one of the authors will present at the conference.

8th Biennial best young researcher paper award

Win your registration fee and $200 USD to attend the conference.

Any author, age 35 or younger, who published a paper in Ecological Modelling 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く in 2024–2025 or has a paper accepted before the deadline is eligible.

Forward a PDF of the paper with indication for consideration of the prize to Brian Fath 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く. Self-nominations are accepted.

Papers will be evaluated by a small group of ISEM officers for overall impact, originality, and quality of work. Contact Brian Fath 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く for further questions as needed.

Deadline: 30 March 2025

Please do not email credit card information under any circumstances.