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Committee & Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Koen Dewettinck


Koen Dewettinck

Session 2: Sustainable Raw Materials and Processes

Ghent University, Belgium

Ler mais sobre Koen Dewettinck
Didier Dupont


Didier Dupont

Session 5: Improving health through food structuring

French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE), France

Ler mais sobre Didier Dupont
Elke Scholten


Elke Scholten

Session 3: Beyond cook 'n' look - mechanistic approaches to food structure design

Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Ler mais sobre Elke Scholten
Sylvio Barbon Junior


Sylvio Barbon Junior

Session 4: Novel methods for characterization of food structure and functionality

University of Trieste, Italy

Ler mais sobre Sylvio Barbon Junior
David Welch


David Welch

Session 1: Biotechnology: Opportunities for formulation and food structuring

Synthesis Capital & The Good Food Institute, USA

Ler mais sobre David Welch
Bettina Wolf


Bettina Wolf

Session 6: Food as a soft material

University of Birmingham, UK

Ler mais sobre Bettina Wolf

Conference Chairs

Koen Dewettinck


Koen Dewettinck

Ghent University, Belgium

Ler mais sobre Koen Dewettinck
Dérick Rousseau


Dérick Rousseau

Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

Ler mais sobre Dérick Rousseau

Organising Committee

Ulf Andersen


Ulf Andersen

Arla Foods, Denmark

Ler mais sobre Ulf Andersen
Sonia Calligaris


Sonia Calligaris

University of Udine, Italy

Ler mais sobre Sonia Calligaris
Christopher Gregson


Christopher Gregson

Paragon Pure and Greenstalk, USA

Ler mais sobre Christopher Gregson
Sean Hogan


Sean Hogan

Teagasc Food Research Centre, Moorepark, Ireland

Marcel Paques


Marcel Paques

Ghent University, Belgium

Ler mais sobre Marcel Paques
Filip Van Bockstaele


Filip Van Bockstaele

Ghent University, Belgium

Ler mais sobre Filip Van Bockstaele