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Location, accommodation & travel information


The 9th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference will take place at the CSIR - National Chemical Laboratory in Pune India

Venue address:

CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pune 411008, India


Information to follow shortly

WARNING - SCAM ALERT: Exhibitor Housing Services (EHS) & Exhibitor Housing Management (EHM), Traveller Point (TP) and Travel Hosting Team (THT)

Elsevier has been made aware that third-party companies are targeting Elsevier conference speakers and attendees with a fraudulent travel and hotel booking scheme.

The companies are calling/emailing conference attendees, using email addresses which appear very similar to official Elsevier email addresses, and claiming to be the “official” housing bureau and/or authorized by Elsevier to book hotel/travel accommodations for the conference. This is entirely false and should anyone contact you, please do not provide them with any of your details, but refer this to Elsevier. If you are in any doubt about an email regarding the conference, please check this with a member of the organising team via: [email protected]abre em uma nova guia/janela


Accessibility Policy

Please access our Accessibility Policy and guidelines here.

How to contact us to discuss any accessibility requirements

Please contact us at  [email protected]abre em uma nova guia/janela to discuss any requirements or questions. The conference organizer will contact you directly to discuss further.