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Sponsors & exhibitors

Commercial opportunities

Choose from a variety of sponsorship and commercial options to raise your profile and position your company as a thought leader in the community.

Reasons why being a sponsor is a brilliant marketing strategy:

  • Launch new products and highlight existing ones

  • Increase brand awareness and elevate your company profile

  • Network with specialists, seek international partners and form new alliances

  • Increase visibility in focused markets

  • Communicate your message to a highly qualified scientific and expert community

  • Build relationships for the future

  • Attract new talent and strengthen partnerships

  • Generate sales leads and educate the market

  • Benefit from on-demand exposure after the Conference

An exhibition will run alongside the conference sessions. Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. In addition, a range of commercial sponsorship opportunities are available.

For exhibition and sponsorship queries, please contact:

Chris Holmkvist Sr Sales Manager, Conferences ELSEVIER | STM Journals Mob: +44 (0)7780 599662, Email: [email protected] (Please do not email credit card information under any circumstances)

Enhance your brand presence and establish your company as a thought leader through a variety of sponsorship and commercial options.

Why sponsorship is a strategic marketing move

  • Showcase Innovation

    – Launch new products and highlight your existing offerings.

  • Boost Brand Awareness

    – Elevate your company profile and gain visibility.

  • Expand Your Network

    – Connect with specialists, explore global partnerships, and form new alliances.

  • Targeted Exposure

    – Reach highly relevant markets and key decision-makers.

  • Engage with Experts

    – Communicate directly with a qualified scientific and professional audience.

  • Strengthen Relationships

    – Build lasting connections and future business opportunities.

  • Talent Acquisition

    – Attract top talent and reinforce industry partnerships.

  • Generate Leads & Educate

    – Capture potential clients and position your brand as an industry leader.

  • Extended Visibility

    – Enjoy on-demand exposure even after the conference.

Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities

An exclusive exhibition will run alongside the conference sessions, with booth spaces available on a first-come, first-served basis. Additionally, a wide range of sponsorship opportunities are available to maximize your reach and impact.

To discuss your requirements or to book sponsorship or exhibit space please contact:

Chris Holmkvist Sr Sales Manager, Conferences ELSEVIER | STM Journals Mob: +44 (0)7780 599662, Email: [email protected] abre em uma nova guia/janela (Please do not email credit card information under any circumstances)