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Complete Anatomy Articles

Phalanges pedis

Phalanges of Foot (Left)

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Phalages manus

Phalanges of Hand (Left)

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Aponeurosis pharyngea

Pharyngeal Aponeurosis

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Ramus pharyngeus arteriae maxillaris

Pharyngeal Branch of Maxillary Artery (Right)

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Ramus pharyngeus nervi vagi

Pharyngeal Branch of Vagus Nerve

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Rami pharyngei nervi glossopharyngei

Pharyngeal Branches of Glossopharyngeal Nerve

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Rami pharyngei arteriae thyreoideae inferioris

Pharyngeal Branches of Inferior Thyroid Artery (Right)

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Musculi constrictoris pharyngis

Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscles (Left)

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Nervus pharyngeus

Pharyngeal Nerve (Right)

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