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Complete Anatomy Articles

Truncus pharyngeus

Pharyngeal Trunk (Right)

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Tuberculum pharyngeum

Pharyngeal Tubercle

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Plexus venosus pharyngeus

Pharyngeal Venous Plexus

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Fascia pharyngobasilaris

Pharyngobasilar Fascia

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Ganglia phrenica

Phrenic Ganglia (Right)

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Plexus phrenicus

Phrenic Plexus (Left)

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Rami phrenicoabdominalis nervi phrenici

Phrenicoabdominal Branches of Phrenic Nerve

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Ligamentum phrenicocolicum

Phrenicocolic Ligament

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Ligamentum phrenicosplenicum

Phrenicosplenic Ligament

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Microvilli pigmentocyti

Pigment Cell Microvilli

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