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A plant seedling on hand

Boost funding and expertise – elevating your institutional performance

In a recent survey, only 49% of academic leaders said they were well-prepared to meet the challenge of financing research over the next five years. Our solutions are designed to help you:

  • Discover and connect with best-fit collaborators; facilitating the innovative partnerships and cross-pollination required to build high-achieving teams

  • Secure a higher quality and quantity of funding, accelerating your ‘time to impact’

  • Identify and source the talent needed to address competency and capacity gaps

Only 49% of academic leaders say they are well-prepared to meet the challenge of financing research over the next five years

Funding Institutional:資金調達の状況に関する洞察を得る

Funding Institutionalでは、800万件の受賞研究助成金に関する40,000件以上のアクティブな資金調達の機会と洞察を発見し、助成金の成功率を高めることができます。

A graph showing grants by years, subject areas and funders types



Advance your research programs with insights into global expertise across sectors and research fields.



Increase global collaboration and research visibility. Create websites that highlight your research expertise foster collaboration and build networks.



Researcher discovery: identify collaborators, find experts, build high-performance teams

Digital Commons: Enhance your institution's global reputation

Showcase the full spectrum of your institution's scholarly outputs — enabling you to highlight digital content, collaborative efforts and establish pivotal connections, enhancing your global reputation.

Broadcast your institution's scholarly output to the world and help attract collaborators.

Interfolio: Showcase faculty expertise & achievements

Showcase faculty accomplishments to drive engagement, enrollment, funding, collaborators and reputation.

Visual presentation of a professional journey - past, present and future


学術・研究リーダー 戦略的な意思決定をサポートする情報を見つけ、研究を繁栄させ、社会を前進させ、経済成長を促進することができます。

出資 私たちは、資金提供者が非効率的な資金調達メカニズムを改善するための戦略を策定するのを支援し、資金調達ワークフロー全体の主要なユースケースをサポートします。

研究 専門家によるガイダンスとリソースが、お客様の研究と発見の進行を支援します。

司書 スキルを向上させ、図書館サービスを提供し、教育機関内で提唱するためのツールとリソース。

woman looking at screen

「ピュア・ストレージで [COVID-19] の研究を強調する能力が、新たなコラボレーションにつながったと確信しています。ピュア・ストレージのおかげで、専門家は他の研究者を見つけ、彼らがどのようなテーマに取り組んでいるかを簡単に確認できるようになりました」

紹介動画を見る 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開きます 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く

Melodi Moore - Image


Melodi Moore

University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA

Elevate your institutional performance. Contact our sales team to discover how our solutions can benefit your organization.

Man writing on a desk